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  Welcome to My Web Site!


About Me
My Resume
Photo Gallery


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Welcome to my Web site!

This Web Site is for my COB 204 class!  Lately we have been learning how to create web sites so now we are creating our own!  I hope that you enjoy learning more about me!:)

Favorite Links


Click below on the hyperlinks to check out my favorite sites on the Web!

bullet Roanoke, VA
bulletVirtual Flowers

Enter a City or US Zip:  

Photo Album

Our Community

Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my family, my friends, and my vacations. Do you want to become involved in the community?  If so, click below and find out how you can make a difference!
bulletThe City of Harrisonburg

Home | About Me | My Resume | Favorites | Photo Gallery | Feedback

Questions or Comments?  You can e-mail me at 

This site was last updated 02/26/03