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hOPe u cAN c thE tExt! HEhe it`S haRd tO sEe... soRri lAst toUCheD.. o5-28-o3 *yAY* ....nEw piCs.... ..×..×..×..×..×..
NeW lAyOut.. cOMing sOon, uNDer miNOr cONstRuCtion.... bUT scROlL dOwn tO tAKe a PEek... fOR sOme vIEwinG pleAsuRe... heYy!! *wAVEs* weLcOme II-miI pAGe.. weLL i KNow iT`S nOthiNG sO spEsHO @thE mOMent buT HTML cOnfUSes thE "pOOp" ouT of mEe... sO yeAH. bUt bARe wiTH mE, i`M gOINg tO bE uPdAtIng mY SITe On thIS pAGe OFtEn, sO cHEcK bAcK whEn YOu cAN, i GuesS.. weLL leAve mE a nOTe it`Ll bE gReAt tO knOw whO stOpPed bY mii pAge. THANK YoU!! evERyOne HAs a riGht tO vIeW fRom tHEIR oWn PErspEctIVe.. bUT dOn`t HAte On mE. dOn`t JUDge. yOU dON`t kNOw mE... i`M juS a vERy cOMpleX pErsOn.... nOT thE avERaGe gIRl, jUSt uNIquE & bEIng mE. iF u cAN`t rElAte, juSt smIle.. :) ר1DVS STARlet¨×ר1 DVS STARlet¨× mii KIttY kITty & mEe.... ¤×¨º° "sOME infO foR u"°º¨×¤ ×tAGlinEs:× => "sWeEt-DVS-STARlet" ¨×mYy reAL fIRst-NaYme:× => ...miSs kElCie ... ×knOwn bY AliAs:× =>"CaLLie" ×BdAe:× =>JaNuaRy 3 ×aGe:× => eIghTeEn ×HaBitAt:×=> wAiAkeA/hIlO/ bIg-isLe ×sEx:× => fEmALe ×BF?:× => i`Ve fOUnd "enDleSs" lUv.. *dUH* ×cURrEnt SchOol:× => WaIaKea hiGh sChOol ×EtHniCitY:×=> 100% jApAneSE !!!!!!!!! ×HeIGHt:× => 5`2" ×wEiGht:× => ×Mii kAR:× => 2003 EX cOUpe acCorD 5-sPd ×mIi zOdiAk sIgN:× => thE cAprIcoRn ×mii mOtiVatION/iNSpiRaTIOn:× => "thE cOMPeTiTiOn" ×mii mUSt hAfs:× => mii RED hAIr (kUWEl aCeSsoRies)& mii CEll ×mii tinEe flAws:× =>i`M stuBbORn, N i gET jeAlOUs eAsilY... ×steReOtyPEd As..:× => ...a whITe FOB chIk.. dONt thiNK i lOOk liKE 1 thO. ×ADDicTEd tO..:× => thE iMPOrt scEne.. *vrOOm* & AA/xANga ×MYy CRaVE?¿:×=> lOokiNg @thOSe bEauTifuL stARs...dUMBclOUdy NIGhts! ×wHAt i Am:× => mORe thAN whAt u sEe, fOR thIS is OnLY the bEgInnINg.. =>...×...=>...×...=>....mii SMiLes....<=...×...<=...×...<= × LOoKiNG @stARs × sWiMMiNG @nIGht × thE iMPoRt scEnE × eAtiNG stRawBeRrieS × × thE cOlOR reD × hANgiNG w/thE pOsse × SMiLiNG × BUTtERfLIEs (oBvIOUs) × × sUnfLOweRs × × liP gLOss × jeAns/sHIrts wiTh lAceS × iCe-cReAm × mYy kITty : kImo × × eAtin lOmi sALmOn & pOi ×imPOrt MoDeLIng=> SPEEDHAWAII × bEin UnIqUe × × DeeP/meANiNGfuL COnvErsaTioNS × pUnk/ROCk & tRANce/HOUse mUsik × ×spEndINg tIme wiTh mii bEhB, aNDRew mOseR!! lUve EwE!× =>...×...=>...×...=> ....thE fROWns....<=...×...<=...×...<= × BeIn MISUndERsTOOd! × piPO whO Bite tOo hARd! × mii cLOnes × × (i doN`t nEed a shAdOw!) × WAitIng, fOR thiNGs × × piPO whO aSsUme aND aCcuSE thINgs × × tOAds!! × gIRls wHO mOove iN × sMOkeRs × liARs × lOok aLIkes × ×"eViL" pipO × "thE ArChe NEmESis!" × HIgHly hATe thOSe RICE BOYS!!! × × dUMB leCtuREs & StuPID aRgUEMnents (btW, i alWAys wIN) × × ThINgSthAT nEvER fOllOw thROugh, BROkeN pRomISes...!!!×
mYy SH pICs => SPEEDHAWAII.COM ¤ ...jUS...mE aCtin LIke a dORk wiTh my mOst pRizEd pOsseSsiON, mII bEBbi kItty kIMo! hAHa hE`s nOt sO pHOTogENic tODAY.... oUR SaD-FaCe... "hERe mii kITty KItty!... sO kUTe" ¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤ *mUAh* bEhB.. i cAnnot imAgIne lIfe wiThOUt u. a YeAR hAs gOne bYy.. No MORe aRgUemEnts, oKy? 823-247 .... I lOve u whEn u tOUCh thE stArs, And WHen thEy bEgiN tO fALl... i wILL liE awAkE..... yOu"Re mii shOOtinG stAr! _____________________________________________________ SoME pAges i reCoMmEnd tO tAKe a lOOk-SEe aT.. ×MizzAsh => AShlEY- heYy U! mS.sPEeDhAWaii! stAy swEeT! DOnt WorK tOo hARd! ×0o_DEEainjo_o0 => dIANa- hiEe gURli... B sAfe dRIvin! sMILe! rePResENt thE giRls! ×DanIelLe808 => mS.DanIeLLe! hEYy!!! lOl. SeE yOU OUt! [hIEe briAN(Hybrid8o8), hEHe u tOo!!] ×mS kRistIA => eHh.. lOl.. hehe, jP.. heYy mii fAf LOCAl mODeL! kEep IT oN thAT rOAd tO faME _________________________________________ CHEcK oUT thE rEst OF thE piPO oN mii fRIEnds lISt tOo! »_____¤_____×_____¤_____×_____¤_____×_____¤_____« jEweL,mEe, kRisTEn, aND mS-DAniElLE! hEhe it LOokS liKE we"Re iN the BIg CiTY.. »_____¤_____×_____¤_____×_____¤_____×_____¤_____« ifF yUR In mAUI... gO chECK thiS caR cRUISE oUT!!! sOME piC fROM a reCEnt sHOOt