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The Durmanhoth Clan is an ancient Sith Clan forged before the Sith / Jedi war. Exar Kun was the scourge of the galaxy and had born unto him one son from a female Zabrak. This son, Mutalator, took some of the most powerful Sith and thus the Durmanhoth Clan was made. But the story does not end there.........

Exar Kun trained his Sith to be bloodthirsty and power hungry. however, that power hunger turns into a lust for power and during the ancient Sith and Jedi wars, they turned on one another. Exar Kun went to Yavin 4 and was trapped by his Jedi pursuers, so he disembodied his Sith life force into the Massassi Temples and told his son to take the remaining Sith out into the galaxy and slumber and be reborn after the carnage was over.

Mutalator did as was instructed and he took all the Sith Lore and scrolls he could find so the Jedi could not reveal their ancient magic. But a new age has come, and Mutalator has come back into the galaxy after his life-force slept and found that after the slaughter of his brothers, Darth Bane decreed only (2) Sith shall be at any given time. Thus, avoiding the inner conflict that tore themselves appart.

He flew to meet Darth Sidious after being found by a bountyhunter named "Hardware". Sidious, not willing to give up his powers as a Master, and not wanting the Jedi to know more Sith were around, sent Mutalator and his clan off into hiding to be his secret assassins.

So for years, the Durmanhoth Clan has gathered more than just Sith into their legions. They have aquired Bountyhunters, Shadow Troopers (the most dark hearted of Darth Vaders Stormtroopers)and a small fleet of ships to carryo n the EMPIRES glory and domination!

The above was written from a journal by the Bountyhunter "Hardware", who apon the Emperors request, sought out Darth Mutalator and his clan to aid him in his domination.

LATEST UPDATE was on 02/12/03

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