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::Disclaimer:: This Layout Was Made By Valeree...If You Have Any Questions, Feel Free To Ask Her...::End Disclaimer::

~*~The date is July 16, 2003, and the scene shifts to the backstage area, near the parking lot. Just then, a long black limo pulls up and stops near the door. The driver gets out and opens the door in the back. Out steps Beyotch wearing tight black leather pants and a black tank top. She grins rudely at the driver,spits at him, and then walks inside of the arena.~*~

~*~Back to the crowd, they are waiting for the next match to start when they hear "Beyotch's music play on the P/A system. After the music plays for a while, the same psycho steps out from behind the curtain and she walks down the ramp and into the ring. The crowd is cheering her on. The ring announcer hands her a mic and she takes it, bringing it up to her mouth and begins to talk.~*~

HA! thank you for that welcome idiots!. I feel stupid to be here in the WWF. I am, if you didn't know, Beyotch, the newest addition to the roster, and the MOST TALENTED DIVA HERE IN WWF!. I know I look sweet and innocent, and not to mention, hotter than hell on the outside. But inside, I am a bitch in the ring. If there is something that I want, I will do anything in my powers to get it, not matter who is in the way of my goal. And guys, don't think that I will just settle for the Women's Championship…I'm going setting my sights on bigger and better things.

I suppose you all want to know a little something about me. Well, I've come from a long line of singers. Yes, I know singers shouldn't be wrestlers, but I could not stand to see my bodyguards holding people back and fighting my fights. Which is why I quit my singing career and began to train. That was 2 years ago. Now, I'm here in the WWF and I'm going to make a great impact!

I came out here to see if there are any competitors backstage that think they are worthy enough to go against me. I am willing to fight any match EXCEPT for any of those degrading matches such as bra and panty and gravy bowl because I am so much more of a talent to be placed in those types of matches. So if there is anyone backstage, man or woman…I will be in my locker room. Until then, I'm out of here!

~*~With that, "Beyotch's mucis" hits the PA system and Beyotch drops the mic. She taunts the crowd in the ring and then gets out of the ring, and walks up the ramp, and heads toward her locker room as the show fades to black.~*~