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[ The Backrub Incident ]

It'd been several long hours since the Sanzo-ikkou had last stopped and out of the corner of the green eyed youkai's eye he could sense the look of pain in their leader's amethysts. Just the air in his step had concerned Hakkai upon observing him, as he had tended to do as of late. Something about Genjo Sanzo just intrigued him that made it hard not to stare at him. It felt odd yet at the same time refreshing, Cho Hakkai just shook this off as nothing more and continued the drive. There had been no questioning the well being of Sanzo seeing as how he tended to his own business, as had the rest of them. Hakkai really didn't want to worry Gojyo or Goku if anything were really wrong with Sanzo, so he stayed quiet with the same placid smile on his face and kept his question to himself. Maybe when he was alone with the blonde monk he could ask about the latter, but for now best not to oppose on anything that need not concern him for any reason at all.

The joyous squeals of Goku alerted the brunette that a town had been spotted in the distance. Hakkai chuckled softly and Sanzo just ground his teeth at the little saru in the back of the jeep his temper trying to get the best of him. The itch was strong to cock his gun at the boy and just end his miserable life, but thought better of it and contained the impulse to do so. Minutes later after the town had been spied, they entered said town, which happened to be rather small in size, just before the sun had begun to set. The last bit of orange could faintly be seen beyond the mountains that framed the overseeing blues and purples, a beautiful sight, which Hakkai glanced at every so often as he drove along the dusty road.

On the outskirts of town, the Sanzo-ikkou came across a small inn that only had two rooms to spare before it would be filled to capacity. Much to Sanzo's chagrin no one had entered before them and the two rooms were theirs for the night. Each one of them had their bags slung over their shoulders and walked down the hall to the left of the check-in station. The saru and kappa lead the way, while the blonde monk and brunette brought in the rear. Hakkai noticed the slight limp in Sanzo's step and the pain that creased his brow while the bag slightly bounced against his back with every step the monk took. His breathing had become rather harsh and ragged as if the pain had increased tenfold from when he had been in the jeep previously. This little factor went unknown to Goku or Gojyo who just continued walking with small idle chitchat.

"Kyu." murmured the little white dragon that had perched on the youkai's shoulder. Hakuryu nuzzled up against Hakkai's neck and chirped a content "kyu" once more as it felt the gentle hands of its master brushing up along its mane of fur.

The door to the room that Hakkai was to share with Sanzo was already open and the monk was inside, his bag carelessly tossed to the floor at the bedside and his lithe body stretched out onto the bed like a giant cat's, his chest rising and falling in slow rhythmic motions. Another wince came from the blonde, this time letting his guard down and expressing actual pain in front of someone, Hakkai no less.

"Sanzo, are you ok?" questioned the youkai as he took a step further into the room.

The once pained expression that had crossed his features previously was replaced with that of a scowl that Sanzo always wore. In a quick snappish reply came, "It's nothing. I'm fine." The tone of voice in the way that Sanzo had said 'fine' sounded sarcastic almost ironic to what he was actually feeling. Hakkai noticed that, but then he had always noticed many things that the others hadn't.

"You don't seem 'fine'. You look like you're in pain." Pursued Hakkai. Any normal person would have stopped due to the deathly glare that the blonde threw at any person who had enough guts to ask, but Hakkai wasn't even fazed by any of this. This happened to be normal for Sanzo to put up defenses like this to prevent others from getting close to him. He didn't want any of his scars to be touched from previous events that occurred during his childhood. The wounds were close... very close to him.

"Dammit Hakkai! If I say 'I'm fine' then I'm fi-" snapped the blonde, but abruptly cut himself off upon standing up too fast, angered that he would be questioned about his health, and apparently strained his back in the process of doing so. The pain too much for him, Sanzo collapsed to the ground, cursing after he attempted to get back up.

"Sanzo!" cried Hakkai as he rushed to the fallen monk's side. "You're not fine. You've messed up your back pretty badly. When did this happen?" he questioned, concern etched into those emerald depths. The false smile that Hakkai always wore was no longer there; the corners of his mouth were tugging down into a slight frown.

The blonde had to blink back the surprise in his eyes upon seeing that glint in the now troubled youkai's eyes. His façade probably wouldn't last long if things kept going at the rate that they were. The brunette was probably a mere few inches away from him and those eyes... they sparkled like emeralds. Wait a sec... sparkled like emeralds? What the hell was he thinking? This was Hakkai he was talking about. Hakkai! A still pause crossed the two for quite a while before Sanzo, free from interrupted thoughts, replied, "Yesterday night. That damned makeshift bed we slept on at the last inn fucked it up." He hissed the last bit of the sentence between clenched teeth.

The frown that had once crossed Hakkai's lips slowly faded into a small smile. "Why don't I give you a backrub? Surely that'll make your back feel much better." Suggested the brunette as he slipped his left arm around the monk's slim waist and slinging Sanzo's right arm onto his shoulder. The touch made Sanzo rather uneasy, but yet it didn't seem wrong either. The scent of pine and earthly incenses drowned the monk's senses, sending a whirlwind of emotions coursing throughout his entire body. What was happening to him? This was crazy! How could he have let this sort of thing happen? Carefully, Hakkai lifted Sanzo back onto the bed as not to further injure his friend.

Hakkai took a seat next to Sanzo and quirked an eyebrow at him. "Well? How about it?" he asked.

Sanzo felt suspicious about the whole idea of getting a backrub from Hakkai. The brunette could just use his chi to heal him, why bother with using manual labor? It was bad enough that he was feeling uneasy about the fact that he was experiencing emotion unknown to him, but... what could it hurt to experiment? Curiosity killed the cat, but he wasn't a cat now was he? The monk parted his lips as the word 'sure' fell off the tip of his tongue.

"Ok. Strip down to just your jeans and lie stomach down on the bed. I'll go get the oils." He said simply and got up from the bed to the bathroom.

Sanzo grunted back the pain that came when he turned slightly to remove his robe and bodice. The gloves he tossed onto the table along with the sutra, Smith & Wesson M-10, and the rest of his clothing. All he was left in was his jeans and the pain that came with it that inhabited his back. Gently lowering himself onto his bed, he laid down on his stomach as instructed by Hakkai. He nestled his head in a comfortable position in the pillow and waited for the youkai's return.

The soft thumps of footsteps lightly echoed throughout the room, as Hakkai's presence was made known upon the soft snick of the door from the bathroom being opened. If Sanzo had been smoking, he probably would have choked on the cigarette. The sight of seeing Hakkai standing there like that with nothing on except for his jeans with the oils in hand and the towel slung over his right shoulder giving him a view of his beautifully sculpted chest hindered him breathless. The scar that ran a course down his belly just accentuated the fact that he had endured something as horrible as himself in previous years. It only made him much more attractive in that way. Of course he'd seen the youkai like this before, but there was something different about the way he smiled and the devilish glint in his eye that made him more intriguing... almost more dangerous.

"Sorry about the wait, Sanzo. I couldn't find any oil in our bags but I checked the bathroom and came across this small bottle. It should be enough." He said as he walked over to the bed and set down the towel and oil.

"Where does it hurt?" asked Hakkai calmly.

"Everywhere dammit!" Snapped Sanzo, his temper starting to flare. Was he going to get the massage or not? His back was completely messed up and Hakkai was asking questions about where it hurt most. Hell it hurt everywhere to be honest.

"I'm sorry. No more questions. I'll just have a see for myself." Said Hakkai as he ran gentle fingers down Sanzo's back pressing down on a few pressure points that would cause discomfort. Upon further discovery, Sanzo was right it hurt everywhere.

"Erm... Sanzo?" questioned Hakkai slowly. It would be a lot better to ask before going ahead and doing what he needed, incase Sanzo started freaking out and attempted to shoot him because of it.

"What is it now?" he snapped making Hakkai twitch, but just barely.

"In order to give you the best results for your back I need to get on top of you. If I don't then there will still be some sore spots on your back that I couldn't get while on the side where I'm at right now." Hakkai said slowly.

"Ch'. Do whatever the hell you need to! I just want my back fixed." He retorted.

The youkai nodded and climbed onto the bed. Gently he lowered himself in a sitting position, just below the monk's back. Hakkai leaned over towards the table and grabbed the bottle of oil. With the motion of leaning over towards the table, the friction from the movement started to stir a fire in the pit of Hakkai's stomach. Sanzo's back was like a beautifully sculpted canvas waiting for him to explore.

The oil still in hand, Hakkai unscrewed the cap and poured some over Sanzo's back. The monk shivered slightly from the cold liquid that trickled down his back in streams. Sanzo's lower body moved beneath Hakkai, rubbing up against something that he hoped the monk couldn't feel. For some time now, he had been attracted to the blonde, but why? He hadn't any idea why. Countless nights he fought the urge to just jump the man and attack him full force with every ounce of emotion in him, but resisted temptation. Now here he was straddling the man he wanted more than anything. His skin was tingling with a slow burning fire that would increase more than likely. All thoughts aside, pouring a bit more oil into his own hands, Hakkai silently gulped at what he was about to do. This suggestion had been rather out of the ordinary to even himself. Why didn't he just heal his back with his chi? It would've saved the awkward silence and position that he was in that had befallen the two. Oh well, he was already this far, why bother stopping now? Things could get a little interesting, he hoped.

Hakkai slowly began to rub the oil all over Sanzo's back in circular motions, starting at the middle of his back and working his way slowly up towards the shoulders kneading and pushing down in various points on the sides of his lithe torso. Sanzo closed his eyes, the youkai's hands worked quickly and smoothly working wonders on his back. The feel of Hakkai's hands gliding over his back in soothing caresses made his complete body relax. Hakkai's hands traced the strong shoulder blades as he began the circular ministrations once more. Beneath him he could feel Sanzo moving with him as he pushed against his back. More friction beneath him caused the fire to start burning faster as his member slowly started to throb wanting to be freed from the jean prison. Why was Sanzo doing this to him? More importantly, how could Sanzo do this to him? There had always been something that he had taken a liking to in the priest but it hadn't been his handsome good looks, more or less it had been the fact that he could confide in him and talk to him and for the most part tolerate. But now that Sanzo was beneath him in this type of position, his body was like a god's and the urge to go further was on the line of his burning desire. A loud thunk was heard and it appeared to have been the bottle of oil falling off the bed and onto the floor. The two disregarded the bottle as Hakkai continued with gentle hands down Sanzo's back.

A low grunt was slowly heard and the deep rumble was felt beneath the fair skin of the monk. Was Sanzo moaning? Another grunt was heard and slowly Hakkai could feel Sanzo's heartbeat starting to speed up with every touch that he felt. If he could make the monk react like this to his touch, then what would his own reaction be to Sanzo touching him? A quick glance brought to the attention of Hakkai that Sanzo was gripping onto the sheets in fistfuls, his eyes shut tight, and a slowly increasing breathing rate.

"Sanzo." Breathed Hakkai, trying to get the attention of the blonde.

"What is it?" asked Sanzo

"I'm not hurting you am I?" he asked quietly.

Sanzo paused momentarily before answering. "No, you're not. But even if you were I probably wouldn't tell you." He responded, a small moan escaped his lips, but was barely audible due to their hard breathing that was becoming faster paced.

Hakkai smiled and replied, "I guess not."

"But you're not are you?" clipped Sanzo.

"True, I'm not," said Hakkai and stopped in the middle of his massage to press his chest onto the monk's back and leaning in towards his ear, gently nipping at it. "But still... tell me if I am and I'll stop. I don't want to hurt you, Sanzo." He whispered and moved away continuing the massage.

Sanzo had to hold on to the gasp that nearly shattered the silence after hearing Hakkai say that so dangerously... sexy? What the fuck? Now he thought Hakkai was sexy... but of course he would think that after lusting over the youkai for many moons now. It had become inevitable that he would be drawn to such a creature of wits and clever riddles that made him unique. But all those thoughts aside... he was slowly starting to become victim to his own wants as Hakkai used those skilled hands to make him moan and whimper like crazy.

Hakkai's breathing hitched as the movements became faster and more vigorous. He was starting to give in to his desire and it was slowly eating away at him. A low moan escaped Hakkai's own lips and a satisfied smile crossed the monk's own beneath him. Suddenly, Hakkai felt himself being flipped over and onto the bed on his back. Sanzo was straddling him now and staring at him with hazy amethyst eyes. Both of his hands had Hakkai's arms pinned down.

"I'm feeling much better now. Wouldn't you say?" replied Sanzo, his voice husky.

Hakkai tried to form a sentence but fumbled over his own words. A smirk spread over the monk's lips as he relished in the fact that he had rendered the emerald eyed man speechless.

The monk slowly leaned in towards the youkai's face, quietly breathing in the scent of the man that made his senses run wild. He could feel Hakkai's hot breath against his neck. A look of surprise crossed the features of the brunette beneath Sanzo. Amethyst and emerald stared into one another for several seconds before the owner of the amethysts claimed the emerald's lips. The emerald eyes had widened but had closed as if that that was how it always was. Sanzo's mouth ravished the youkai's velvet soft lips. His tongue probed at Hakkai's as it awaited entrance into the sweet tasting man's mouth. Hakkai opened his mouth a little wider to let Sanzo in and tasted the nicotine and other tastes that came along with him. Their tongues wrestled for dominance over the other while tasting each other in the process and divulging in complete ecstasy of being in the other's company.

Sanzo let go of Hakkai's arms and traced the figure of his body down to his waist. Hakkai's arms slowly wound around his neck and ran fingers through those silky golden locks of hair he had so longed to touch. The locks were soft twined between his fingers and smelled of jasmine and lavender. Sanzo's hands ran down the lightly toned stomach of the youkai and towards the jeans. He had felt the brunette's member pressed against him waiting for release. His hand brushed against the appendage, which made Hakkai rip away from his mouth and moan in pleasure from the touch. The monk unbuttoned the brunette's jeans and tugged them down a bit. The member was hot and erect and Sanzo knew just what to do to make Hakkai scream his name in pure ecstasy.

The blonde suckled at the soft skin at the slender curve of the youkai's neck and nipped at it, making the man beneath him shudder. The few droplets of blood drawn from the wound was lapped up by Sanzo, the coppery metallic taste made him want more but he was already on a mission and would not be drawn away from that very mission he sought out to do. A soft flush was starting to creep over Hakkai's cheeks as Sanzo continued with his assault. The monk then slid a tongue over the collarbone and made a trail of light butterfly kisses down towards the scar on his stomach. He traced the outline of the scar with his tongue, another moan coming from the brunette as his fingernails dug into the strong back of the monk pressed against him. This felt so good... so right at the same time. Being here with Sanzo made Hakkai feel complete, maybe this is where he was supposed to be. Here in Sanzo's arms, under his protection, and hidden away from the world. Yes, this was where he wanted to be and this was what he had wanted from the blonde for so long.

Sanzo moved a bit lower, his eyes taking in the view. Hakkai grabbed onto Sanzo's shoulders and shoved him down. Just as Sanzo was about to wash wave upon wave of pleasure onto Hakkai, came the noise of a rather loud and rather rude knock at the door.

"Yo! Droopy-eyes! I need the gold card! I'm coming in!" came Gojyo's voice. Both pairs of eyes widened in the room as the kappa announced his coming.

Startled by the thought of being caught in such an act, Hakkai quickly threw Sanzo off of him and off the bed. The door handle jiggled and slowly turned almost too slowly. A loud yelp of pain could be heard from the floor where Sanzo was, but Hakkai was too busy pulling up his jeans and buttoning them before the kappa came in. The door opened and Gojyo stepped in.

His eyes widened a bit and his mouth hung open, the cigarette falling and hitting the ground in front of his boots. He stepped it out, but stayed quiet and still, shocked at the disgruntled way the two looked besides the fact that Sanzo was more in pain than looking disgruntled. He shook himself out of his daze and took another step inside.

Sanzo lay on the floor half naked, his whole upper body shining with what looked to be oil and an expression of pain as if he'd been tossed from off of... maybe a bed? The crimson eyes trailed off towards Hakkai who had a pink tinge in his cheeks and patches of shining torso. The emerald eyes looked a bit fogged and kept darting towards the blonde then back at Gojyo.

"I'm not going to even ask what kind of kinky shit went on in this room. Just hand over the damned card so I can go check out some honnies!" he replied and stepped over the monk whose hand was groping for his gun ready to put a bullet right between the kappa's eyes and mumbling "I'll kill you!" A plastic card the color of gold shimmered in between the folds of the forgotten robes that lay on the table. Gojyo swiped it away and quickly pocketed it and left shutting the door behind him.

"Dammit Hakkai! You didn't have to fucking toss me off the bed!" Cursed the blonde as he rolled onto his side and off the bottle of oil that had fallen earlier

"I'm sorry, Sanzo. Are you alright?" asked Hakkai as he rushed to his aide once more.

"Fuck no! I fell on that damn bottle! I just fucked my back up again!" Snapped Sanzo as he watched a sly grin spread across those soft lips that he had been ravishing earlier, which made him half grin and grimace at the same time.

"You up for another back rub?" he asked and leaned down towards the blonde's face

Sanzo reached out a hand and pulled Hakkai's face closer to his, crushing their lips together and closing the space between them in mere seconds.