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written on 5/26/03
They`re all totally void of hate, killing me just the same. Bleeding through the seams of my heart. Feels like being knocked breathless by a flying bullet or being forced to stay under water. What is this life that I lead? Love is nothing but a knife through the head. You can`t hear the pain creeping up behind you, but you can feel it once it hits. It kills you on the inside. Your blood is full of hate & suicidal thoughts. Don`t act like you know love, you don`t. You seem to find the perfect person, but they turn out to be the worst. But to you, they`re life itsself. You can`t accept the facts that you hear until you they`re proved. Blood shot, veiny eyes; cringing fists & finger nails digging deep through your skin. Screams loud enough to kill the soul. Needles full of drugs, injected into your veins. You say you 'understand' the life that I lead, but you don`t. My beautiful angel in black, why haven`t you killed me yet?

written on 5/25/03
The nights I`ve glanced into the black cold blanket that covers this earth, my beautiful dazzling star has shone brighter than the rest of the stars. But these past few days, it`s dimmer than the rest. I haven`t heard the voice that sends chills up my spine for a good while. The moon seems to frown during the chilly nights I stare at the sky as if he`s saying, "Linz, he`ll be home soon. He misses you too." My heart is cracking, I can feel the fear and depression leak in. Every night I lay in bed with my hand at my heart, hoping to try to hold it together. I`m bitting at my nails again, which isn`t good. I miss the one I love.

written on 5/26/03
she wears her heart sown on her sleeve, and blows kisses when theres no one there. around and around in circles she spins. she only likes the world when everything runs together, and sights are all a blur. blues and greens make up her eyes, with gray that seeps in like rain. when thunder heads of lust roll in like storming clouds choaking her with lies and fake bliss, she closes her eyes, pictureing sunsets of pink and golds. she keeps the stars in a jar of black water, and the sky in her back pocket. she writes her name in the oceans waves, with the foam from its salty crest, to watch it break against the shoreline at midnight. she doesn`t own any love letters, and always finds her self waiting. waiting for that kiss she craves, for that love that her heart hungers for. waiting for something that will never come.

written on 6/4/03
A tragic romance story,
a therory, a thought, a game.
Tragedy, wrong turns, dead ends & curves,
a broken heart that lost its flame.
Don`t bend my tattered wings, boy.
gentley kiss away my scars.
You`ll remeber me forever,
because my name is in the stars.

We welcome all to "Blanco Cafe", home of poetry by Rebecca & Lindsay. In spanish, blanco means: white, and cafe means: brown. We were just sitting in Science class one day and Lindsay came up with the idea, "We should make a poetry website together, Becca." Rebecca liked the idea, together they came up with the name.

lindsay; online diary
rebecca; online diary

aim; lindsay | rebecca

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