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Ceud mile failte!



(Grand Recording Secretary)

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet

Free Vote Caster from Bravenet


PCD Dianna M Gillard



Hi, my name is Dianna M. Gillard, P. C. D.  of Bon Accord Lodge, No. 39, in Burlington, Massachusetts.

With the permission of our Grand Chief Daughter, I have set up a network where a sister can e-mail me the welfare of their members. It is called "Cyber Scot".

Many of us know each other only by attending Grand Lodge, others by visiting each other lodges. Either way, we do care about our members and what is going on in their lives today.

This is not a chat room, just a way of informing you the news that is taking place in our lodges, the joys and sorrows of our sisters.  

Join the 


Mailing List

Please type your

Name & Lodge  #

Your E-mail:

Subscribe  Unsubscribe 


My mailbox is lonely ...

I checked my mailbox this morning -

No e-mails  today ....

I wonder how you are doing,

Hope that you're okay.....

I heard that you're out there

Really making your way ...

And my inbox is lonely ....

For news from you.

Please e-mail us today!





Send mail to PCD Dianna M. Gillard  with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2004 Daughters of Scotia
Last modified: January 20, 2004