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Our Sweet Daughter

Daphne Eve

Jacob and I (Sara) got married

September 15th, 2001.

We were so excited about spending

the rest of our life together.

We found out that we were going to

have a baby! This was great news.

We found out that our due date was

going to be July 22, 2002.

The pregnancy went pretty well.

We were getting closer and closer

and getting more and more excited.

The doctor asked me to start doing

kick counts. So, after supper on

July 22nd 2002, I laid down and

started to count the kicks our

baby made, but something was

wrong. I couldn't feel anything.

We headed out to the hospital

never expecting we would leave

without our daughter. The nurses

were trying to find her heartbeat

with no success. They told us not

to worry, the baby was probably

just big. So Dr. Bittner came in

to perform an ultrasound.

He called my husband over and

told us both that her heart had

stopped beating. My husband went

into hysterics and I was zapped

into nothingness.

I was given pitosin at 10:30 p.m.

on Monday the 22nd of July.

At 8:05 am on Tuesday, the

23rd of July our beautiful

baby girl was born!

Daphne Eve Johnson,

6Ib. 6 1/2 oz, 20 inches long.

She was a perfect angel in the

flesh. So beautiful and perfect.

The doctors did all the tests

on her and on me to determine

the cause of her death.

We have never found a thing

wrong with her. She was perfect,

that is what my husband and I

have decided. She was too perfect

for this earth!

"Some people only dream of angels,

but we held one in our arms."

We got to hold our baby girl

for 3 hours, then the time came

to say goodbye.

On July 26th, 2002, we laid our

baby girl down to rest.

The problem is that it was in

her coffin and not in her crib.

We miss Daphne so very much,

we know that she is in heaven

with God and we are so

thankful for that.

She will always be our baby!

Written by Daphne Eve's Mommy,

Sara Johnson





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Midi " Tears For All The Children"
is used with permission
and is copyright © 2002
Bruce DeBoer

This site was created with love by Star.
If you would like a site created for your
dear child, please
click here to email Star.