The Crazy World of Stuff

The Crazy World of Stuff

I must have attempted to create a website a hundred times, and none of them seemed to ever be satisfactory (in my opinion, that is). So... here I am, trying again apparently to create some sort of a site dedicated to my crazy friends .. a.k.a. the Crazy World of Stuff. I think it's just going to end up being a little site we can all go to .. to catch up on the recent drama, look at pictures, and to see what's going on in this psychotic head of mine. Whoopee... aren't you guys excited already?? hehe.

And so the adventure begins... this fine evening,as probably most stuff sleep, I am up at 3:32 a.m. on March 26th, 2003 trying to design a crude beginning to this thing I shall call my homepage. I guess I will attempt to create something that reflects not only my life, but the lives of those nearest and dearest to me. I guess that's okay.. since everyone needs a little place to keep their memories intact, I will use this as but another tool to serve that exact purpose; to remind not only me, but even complete strangers that the best things in life are friends - especially if they are good ones.

Dec. 24, 2004. I didn't want to delete the text I had on here before... so I'm just going to add in a different color. It's been quite some time since I've updated this thing, and it's today that I decided to change the front picture. This picture of me, Ariana, and Becky was taken at our recent trip to big bear (the 2nd one in 2004). It was time...

August 15, 2005: It's really a challenge to keep up a website AND everything else in your life. Since I started this thing, I've gotten really serious about school, become part of band, and a whole sh*tload of other things. So... I haven't had time to update this site at all. To make up for it, I do have an online photo album that I try to keep recent. Feel free to check it out.

Stuff in this SiteLinks For Cool People
Recent Escapades Incubus is Great
My Stuff My Live Journal
Man in my Life Emotion Eric
Starbucks Stuff Ianation