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28 Oct 02

Hello everyone.

So sorry for the huuuuuuuuuuge delay in updates.  Everything is going real well.

First off, THANK YOU TO THE CLASS OF 2004 for the wonderful pancake breakfast.  We had a great time.  How heart warming it is to see the community come together again for our family. 

Lisa was able to come home for the whole weekend.  She was quite happy to be home and have her friends come to visit her.  Please check out the comments section to see a note she added herself.  If all continues to go well she is still scheduled to be released from St. Marys at the end of November.  She spoke to her boyfriend Jeremy on the phone from Boston on Saturday, and she was quite happy about that.  She is looking forward to a visit from him this coming weekend.  As it was with the others, she shows small improvements everyday.  I remember just a week age, telling time was difficult for her.  All of the sudden it just seems to be clicking for her.

We continue to pray daily for her for a FULL recovery, no matter how long it takes.