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Greek Story

I have recently realized many problems with my story- the main one being the whole idea was really screwed up, so I apologize to everyone who was offended by it. I got online today (July 6th) planning to finish writing the third section of my story (as Ashley had said in an email "finish it before i finish you". THat was good motivation. :-) ) and yet instead of writing more, I've decided to stop writing my story. I figure that that way, I won't piss people off and maybe Ashley won't murder me [jk ashley :-)] So, the third part of my story will be posted for a few more days for those who wish to read it, and then I'll take that offline too. I don't want to just leave the story there, though, and if you have seen this page previously, I posted that I knew how the story was going to end, and I still do. So, now I'll post the main summary of the story, beginning to end:

The story begins at a track meet when a group of friends are struck by lightening. They wake up to find themselves on Mt. Olympus, and receive a letter telling them that they are to take the place of the ancient gods and goddesses. The friends are given the powers of these gods and spend a few days getting used to these powers. Power can be a bad thing. The character Annie (Ashley) becomes so mad at Bob (Sean) that she ends up stabbing him with a pitchfork. The olympians are torn apart into two sides-for and against Annie. Of course, Bob is later rescued, seeing as Matt (Nick) and Lia (Gonzie) rule the underworld. However, the group fights and argues between themselves for days. Later that week, the olympians find a disturbance in the southern section of Greece, and discover that the Titans, ancient mythological monsters, have returned. (This follows the basic storyline of the season premier of Charmed, if anyone noticed). However, they join together to defeat the titans, and realize that they couldn't have done it seperately, and there was a reason that someone, whoever it was, had chosen their group to become the gods and goddesses. There's a *magical* appearance of me, and I send everyone back to how they were after the titans are defeated. *The End*

I wasn't trying to offend people when I wrote this, I wasn't trying to give people stereotypes. I was just trying to write a story I thought other people would like...and it's obvious that didn't turn out. But it was my story, it was what I wrote, and heck, it's what I chose to write, so, although I don't really regret writing this story, I regret what writing this story caused, and who this story offended, and for that I apologize. I apologize for shoving this in your faces when practically no one liked it in the first place, and I apologize for being so annoying about it. Next time I write a story, I'll try not to do the same things wrong and maybe my next story will be better than this last one.

Links to pages concerning my story.....