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My Strength

My name is Colette Monique Balzano, I am 17 years of age, and I am one of three children. My birth date is January the 24th 1985. I have two older sisters which are 24 years of age (they are twins). I have a dog and she is a chiwawa, her name is Bella. I have lived with my mother all my life. She has been divorced from my father since I was young. Since that, my father was never active in my life. He was never there for any of my big moments while I was growing up, and now its too late for him to try to be there for me. For that simple fact, of my mother being a single parent and seeing her struggle and go through the hardships of life has made me stronger and better person. My mom has showed me that no matter how hard life is you should never give up because God will never put you in a situation that he does not feel and does not think you could handle. Diminutive food in the house, limited money for holidays and birthdays, having to be a mother and a father these are only a few things my phenomenal mom had to go through just to be a conscientious mother. I love her dearly, respect her, and admire her for that. I have learned responsibility, compassion, respect, kindness, love, sensitivity, and many more wonderful traits / characteristics from her. My mom gave her life up for my sisters and me; she lives her life for us. Taking extra hours, busting her butt at work to make bonuses, saving as much money as possible are also some things my mom did to try to provide the best she could for my sisters and I. There was a time when my family and I almost lost our house because my father wanted to hurt my mom; little did he know he was hurting my whole family. My mom did everything in her power to save our dwelling. She tried to refinance our house and my mom got it locked in just in time before the price got to lofty for her to afford. Then my inhuman father refused to sign the papers, which did not allow us to refinance our home; luckily, my mom had a good lawyer, which finally got him to sign. The results were us being able to keep our home and at the price, we locked it in at. That right there shows me my mom had determination, and when I really want something, I can receive it if I put my mind to it and do all I possibly can in my power to acquire it. My mom has played a huge part in who I am as a person, who I will become. If it were not for her I probably would not have the awesome moral she raised me with. I truly believe in my heart that my mom was sent from heaven to my family. I have never met anyone as great as her and I hope I make her proud and bless others with the goodness she has blessed me with because if I do not I will feel as if I failed her.

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