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*~aMbeR NiCoLe~*

§hOuT OuT§
SoMe FRieNds Go, aNd SoMe FrieNds StaY TheSe ArE JusT ThE OnEs THaT aRe WiTh Me FoR TodAy...

DaNieLLe-HeY GirL! I LoVe YoU KiDDo! aLwaYs ReMeMbeR-FooTBaLL GaMes, HeY..wHaTs ThaT CaN FoR, TwO f.f'S, GoiN tO GraNma, SiTTiN iN tHe CircLe 4 LiKe 4 HouRs, CANTEEN, SpeNCe ThrOWin My ShoRtS in ThE PooL, WaL MaRT BaBy, wHo aM i??? (LiCk LiPs) a HOT BOY, aLL ouR "SoNGs", heY umm ArE u GoNNa EaT ThaT, ThAt SCARY LooK u KnoW WhO GiVeS, my TuMMy HurTs-HeRe-LeMMe RuB iT, JUMP ON ME!!, KariOkEe, LeSbO/vaMpiRe aT thE ParK, HaLLoWeeN (2 years baby), BiG MaC, oh, u GoT ThaT NEW AsTrO, HOT WATER, i NeeD sum NeW ShoeS, WhA WhA whats that smell? uGh..LeGs ClosEd PLeaSE(the non-washer), THaT CeLiCa iS ComIN ThrOuGh, SteVeN aNd ThoSe NiCe HuGs, thAt NoisE u maKe afTeR u LaugH (HaHaHaHa uhhh uhhh HaHaHaHa) u FaLLiN iN tHe WaTEr aT tHa GriLL..we haVe LoTs MoRe BuT i CAnT WriTe aNY moRe, i LoVe u giRl!!!!

JeNNiFeR W.-we Had sOmE gooD TiMes BuT we'Ve aLso haD BaD oNes, i'M GlaD i GoT a FrieNd LiKe YoU! tyLer-CoMe ChaSe mE, mE DriVin aNd he WaS rigHt behiNd uS, yoUr BiRthDaY PresEnt (thaT waS ScaRy), OK...OK...OK....umm OK?, tWo WoRds-SEX NOISES, fLaShiN TyLer, DiD he SeE? DiD hE SeE?, GoThiC PeopLe, mY BrOthEr "GoiN tO thE HosPiTaL", JaSoN GeTTiN oUt oF the Car aT ThE ReD LiGHt, BrAnDOn HiDin YoUR ShiRT & u GeTTiN ouT tO LooK 4 iT, THE LIGHT-you must find THE LIGHT aNd YoUR DecOraTionS aT thE CaR WaSh! i KnoW wE HaVe MoRe buT i DonT ReMemBeR!

JeNni M- HeY GirL! I WiSh i GoT tO sEe yoU MoRe!!..WE DonT haVe MAnY BUt...MaiMi SpiCe, (TAP-TAP), Me TaKiN JaSoNs StriNgs, u EaTiN LiKe 2 MiLLioN ThiNgs, KaThYs "ADULT TOYS", OuR DANCES, LoNG WaLkS, KiTTy KaT LiDs, ThAt CraZy NiGhT WiTH JaSoN & ThoSe SeXy GuMMi BeaRS(yeah, i'm still mad about that), ommmmmmmmmm, BuTT ExeRCiSeS, SeX eD WiTh GraN, SpEeDy ThE TuRtle (Rest in Peace buddy, Rest in Peace), u JuMpiN oN ThaT FeNcE, oNe WoRd- BEN, mY 1St LoVe LeTTeR, NaCho BeLL GraNdeZ, ThE WhiTe vAN thAT "blocked us in", TaHoE SpiEs AnD ThanKin ThE CheF aT DaViNcIs! WhaTs ThaT iN mY tOoTh?!? TiMe tO TaKe oUt mY CoNtaCt(soRRy), heLp Me GeT iT OUt!, RiDiN iN Tha caR wiTh StraNgeRs & CaN We GeT soMe WeeD? hoW BouT SuM oF THaT GooD StuFF(asK youR MoM)....i LoVe YoU ChiCK! StAy SwEeT!

MaTT- wE HaVe a Few BuT I hopE wE GeT MoRe!! ThrOwin BriCks, X MeN, TruTH or DaRe, ThE Bon FiRe, thE GaY GuY aT BloCk BusTeR, thE PaGeNt, BooKs-A-MiLLioN, TonY thA TuRkeY, KiT KatS aNd u WeaRiN a CeRtaiN iTeM oF my CLoThiNg..LOL yoUr Soo FuNnY! LuV Ya BaBy!

BeN-YoU DeSeRvE JuSt OnE...puT SoMeThiNg WeT oN iT..HaHa u CracK mE uP..oH YeaH LeT THe GooD TiMes ROLLLLLLL!

LieGhAnN-heY GirL! (oR shouLd i SaY JoE) i DUNNo whAt tO puT BuT SiNce u PiTcHeD a HiSSy FiT..i'LL puT yoU oN HeRe! I LoVe u SsSswwweeT HeaRt! oH ReMeMber ThE SloW SeX LoNg JoG..shoRt CigaReTTe thiNG?? LoL i Am So GlaD i GoT tO knO u ThiS yeaR...buT waTch ouT, i'M alWayS up To SomEthiNg! LoL

AnnA-HeY HiZZoE! WuT Up?!? ReMemBeR CaR FuLLa WhiTe HoEs (eVen THoUGh iTs YoURS anD JeNs-I WAS THERE!) SeTtiN oFF the aLarM aT yoUR joB, PiMpin MerCeDeZ, MeXiCan MuSiC, RaCiN KieTh, LEaViN Me (aLmoSt TwiCe), mY BrO FaLLiN DoWn thE StePs, LonG WaLk, sLoW Sex, ThAts whY youR AddiCteD tO FooD & sLoW SeX, JaSOn GoiN to JacyLns..i tHinK theRe R moRe buT heY... u KNO em! LoVe YoU GirL!

PeOpLe WhO ARenT UP TheRe, I sTiLL LoVe YaLL!!

My GirLz- BriTTaNy, SaDe, HaNaH, KaTie, StePhanIe, CLoiE, SaRa, KaSeY, LieGh-AnN, SaRaH, JAcKie, TRiCia, MaRia, AnNa, JesSica, RiLey, MirAnDa, MAuRie, MyChaL, AmAnDa, JorDAn, TiFfanI, LAurEn, KaLa, LiZZiE, MiCheLLe, MaRy.... EtC. EtC.

My BoYz- SteVen, JoSh, ZaCh, BRanDOn, JustIn, BeN, MArK, JoHn, miCheAL, WiLLiaM, ChRis, jT, BRaNdOn D, JasOn, KeNt, JeReMeY, DrEw, AnDreW, JoSePh, CaM, NoLaN, ChRiS, NiCk, FRANKY (LoL), SloTNicK, DeRiUs, BraNdoN..yaLL 3 CraCk Me Up, aNd JaY..JuSt LiKe u ToLd Me 2 PuT, I'm MadLY aNd ObbSesSivLy iN LoVe WiTh YoU, LoL YouR a SwEeTy!

_*_*_I LoVe YaLL_*_*_

-*-Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They aren't fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them. Disagree with them.
Glorify or Villify them.
But the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do*

** RiP Brian..i love you soo much, you are my baby for ever & always.. there will not ever be one day that i dont think of you.. i dedicated I WISH BY R.KELLY to you...we miss you **

HeY YaLL...JuSt a BiT oF AdVicE- iF yoU DoNt StaNd foR SomeThiNg..youLL faLL FoR eveRythIng..

JoRdON- hEy BaBY! I LoVe YoU!

-*-WeB SiTeS-*-

-*- mY PiCTuReS-*-
