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Coach Frawley

Coach's Philosophy                                     I.P.S. What is it?

Responsibilities of Players/Parents

Roster                    Nutrition                   Stretching

Mental Training         Breathing                   First Aid                  Calendar

For Coaches

Coach's Philosophy

As a coach I receive more satisfaction from seeing players develop their I.P.S then in winning games. If the players are taught in an environment of positive encouragement not only will they increase their skill and enjoy participating in that sport. They may continue playing their sport in later years or possibly coach it in the future.

What is I.P.S?

I.P.S. is an athlete's Ideal Performance State. Every athlete has one if they choose to work hard and develop it. Many athletes focus only on the technical aspect of their sport of choice. We have emotional and mental capabilities that need to be enhanced. When a player has developed their skill and has emotional control, mental toughness and a healthy physical body, then they will reach their I.P.S.

Responsibilities of Players

It is the player's responsibility to come to all team functions with a positive attitude. This positive attitude will be demonstrated by the athlete's ability to develop as an individual in the framework as a member of a team.
Players click on this web page and enjoy an interactive site. Soccer Players

Responsibilities of Parents

Parents will be given the opportunity to help the team with our local tournament, planning social events, etc.
An interesting web page for parents is at: Soccer Parents


Below are the names of the 15 players that will be on the All-star team.

Player 1 Player's Name Player 2 Player's Name Player 3 Player's Name
Player 4 Player's Name Player 5 Player's Name Player 6 Player's Name
Player 7 Player's Name Player 8 Player's Name Player 9 Player's Name
Player 10 Player's Name Player 11 Player's Name Player 12 Player's Name
Player 13 Player's Name Player 14 Player's Name Player 15 Player's Name

Below are the names of the 3 players that may attend our practices
and may be called up for tournaments when needed.

Player 16 Player's Name Player 17 Player's Name Player 18 Player's Name


Our body needs fuel to:
1- Enable it to perform at it's highest level while participating in an event.
2- To enable the body to restore itself during rest.
Athletes need to monitor their food intake to be sure they are eating well balanced meals.
For assistance in selecting healthy foods please click on Nutrition 1orNutrition 2 or Meal Plan

Warm Up/Stretching

Please be sure to warm the body up before stretching. A good way to know that your body has reached a good warm up point is to use this equation(220-your age X .6 = good heart rate for warming up) example 220-15x.6= 123 beats/minute. Another important thing to remember is that there should be two points of contact to support the body to prevent injuries. For more info click on Stretching

Mental Training

Athletes that choose to reach their potential and take the necessary steps to develop a mental training plan. Are able to see what conditions they best compete in. A mental training plan consists of concentration and visualization drills. Developing emotional control. Setting up a pre-competitive and competitive strategy and maintaining a logbook of your athletic experiences. Mental Training


We take breathing for granted. In the Karate Kid movie one of the characters. Daniel (a want-a-be karate expert, who learns from a book) life is falling a part. He has moved into a new home, has no friends and gets beat up all the time. Mr. Miyagi (a karate expert) who befriends Daniel says to him that he must get back to basics. Daniel says. "What kicks and punches?". but Mr. Miyagi. says," No BREATHING". For a breathing exercise click Breathing 1or Breathing 2

First Aid

The first prerequisite for lowering the administration of First Aid is for athletes to come to the game with a well-rested, well-balanced nutritional body. Coaches can also assist by making sure the playing environment is safe and proper warm-up routines followed. For more info please click on First Aid and Taping


Info to come

MAY                                                                      JUNE

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JULY                                                                   AUGUST

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Week 2EventLocationTime Week 2 EventLocationTime
July 19-20 BYSC TournamentLocationAll Day Week 3 EventLocationTime
Week 4 EventLocationTime Week 4 EventLocationTime
Week 5 EventLocationTime Week 5 EventLocationTime

For Coaches

Sports Injury Bulletin Sports Biomechanics FIFA Laws of the Game Drills 1 Drills 2 Scholarly Sports Site

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