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My Perfect Pony




Around the world thousands or horse's are being slaughtered each year. For what may you ask?¿?¿ Dog Food, & meat for people like you and me!!! Foals are taken from their marers at young ages. Where do these slaughter house people lerk?¿?¿ around every corner at every horse auction. You may think that no this isnt true, but sadly yes its true!!! They pray on horses who sell for cheep, look weak, bad feet & old broken down horses......but yet these horses still have much left in them and still can do more than be turned into Dog food. Just because they are skinny & weak doesnt mean they dont have a heart of a champion!! PLEASE HELP STOP HORSE SLAUGHTER IN THE USA AND CANADA.....PLEASE YOUR VOICE MAKE'S SAVING HORSE'S A WHOLE LOT EASIER!!

Hello here are some pictures of me and Champ at Breburn Farms on July 27th 2003

Left: Me and Champ coming out of our first fence in jumping which he refused the first time.....he was just about to trip there thats why i was so forward :S oppps my bad!!!

Middle: Here is a picture of Me (on Champ) and Becky (on her horse Commander).

Right: This is a picture of Me and Champ troting during our flat class which we placed 7th in!!

Left: Here's Me and Champ cantering on the left rein in the flat class.

Middle: Once agian here's Becky on Commander!!! whata cutie!!!! (he's for sale).

Right: Heres Me and Champ agian cantering on the right rein this time :).

Left: This is me jumping a horse named Tessa (Tess) over a 3ft vertical at our barn.

Middle: This is me and tess walking around our ring.

Right: This Is me jumping Tess over an oxer (our first time over one).

These picture are of me and Tess just standing around and walking around the ring.
