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We do not have any classes yet due to lack of teachers! Please apply for one of the teaching jobs by neomailing goddess_gurl_forever! Teachers may not take classes, but thier house earns 2000points each month! Here are possible classes to teach:

Arthimancy- Few students take this course. Why? Arithmancy is considered the a very boring and complex study. It is often that only those who consider themselves 'intelligent' are the ones willing enough to take the challenge and sit through Professor Vector's boring lessons.

Care of Magical Creatures- Dangerous? The instructor, Reubus Hagrid, is not scared to show that he favors some students over others. The Hogwarts Game Keeper has a huge heart for magical creatures and was quick to jump on the idea of bringing back this class to Hogwarts. Whether its Hippogrifs, or Blast-ended Screwts, half of the time Hagrid gets his students to jump right on the task rather than to take time learning all aspects of the animals.

Transfiguration- A quite complex branch of magic. Several students struggle in this class. Starting simple - turning matches into pins and so forth. Professor McGonagall takes on the challenge of teaching this and current Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore once taught this course himself.

Defense Against the Dark Arts- From Quirrell to Lockhart to Lupin to Crouch, every year this class seems to be instructed by a different professor. With the fun facts and useful information, some students would give up any subject just to learn all about Bogarts or Pixies. However, you just can't help the rumor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position being cursed.

Divination- Professor McGonagall regrets the need for this subject to be taught. While Professor Trelawney's predictions are considered absolute rubbish, she thinks that her ability to 'see the future' is a real gift that is obtained by few. Located in the most northern tower of Hogwarts, the classroom is very cramped and quite musky.

Herbology- In a cool, comforting environment, Professor Sprout combines her knowledge and the students 'hands-on' work to provide fun and informative lessons. Although the students can get into literally sticky situations, students enjoy the break-away from the castle to come down to the greenhouses.

History of Magic- Taught by Professor Binns - a Hogwarts ghost - this subject is considered quite boring as it depicts the events in the history of Witches, Wizards and the wizarding world as we know it. Few students 'enjoy' this class.

Muggle Studies- This class is strictly about Muggles. It teaches the students about muggle habits and lifestyles. As well as important historical events in the lifetime of muggles. You won't find anything about Voldemort in this class.

Potions- Considered by some to be an important subject, despite the fact that potions is a very complicated and 'hard' course. Professor Snape doesn't make the class any easier. Students sit at their tables waiting, and preparing their mixtures and ingredients until Snape comes along to criticize their work.

Astronomy- Astronomy is taught by the mysterious Professor Sinistra. Students study the stars in the astronomy tower, which is the tallest tower in hogwarts. Students find magical symbols in the sky by using telescopes. Homework involves making precise models of the stars. Think you would be good in astronomy?

Charms- Charms involves studying complex spells, charms, and maybe even hexes. It is taught by short, funny, Professor Filius Flitwick. He uses his keen knowlege of spells to guide students in learning this magical craft. Students learn many things from making objects fly, to learning how to summon objects at your will.

Flying Lessons- Madam Hooch is a wonderful Flying instructor. The students like her - mainly because she doesn't waste time explaining everything. Although she can be strict, she makes the art of flying look like a piece of cake. Students absolutely love the idea of flying and that makes Flying Lessons definitely one of the most popular courses with the students.

Ancient Runes- Can be described as a yawn or bore when it comes to this class. Typically magic of ancient orient is taught and it seems that those seeking a challenge are opted to take this course. Top student and proud resident Gryffindor house, Hermione Granger is the only one who takes this class (that we know of)!