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all about me

1. Full name: ashley nicole robbins

2. Nicknames: i have a lot of nicknames.

3. Eyes: brown

4. Height: 5'4"

5. Hair: brown hair, red tints, blonde highlights and the ends of my hair look like there's some black in them.

6. Siblings: sister .. natalie .. 27! brother-in-law .. chuck .. 24!

7. Do u like to sing in the shower? well i guess whenever i'm hyper i usually do.

8 Do u like to sing while sitting on the toilet? what kind of question is that? no!

9. Birthday: July 12, 1989! yeah, i know, i'm a little shit.

10. Sign: cancer.

11. Where were you born? carbondale, illinois.

12. Sex: female

13. Have you ever cheated on guys? yes, sadly i have but i will never do that again because that's just horrible. the reason why i did it was because the first one cheated on me and then i really didn't like the second one because he was annoying as hell but that was like last year and i never intend on doing that again.

14. Has a guy ever cheated on me? yeah, most of them did. pretty f'n sad huh?

16. Marital status: single, yeah, it's sad. i really wish i wasn't it just sucks. especially when the person you dated meant the most to you. and when i moved everything sucked until i met him.. shit, now i'm sounding depressing, but yeah, it's true so i'm not really lying about anything.


19. Favorite movie: i have a lot of these.

20.. Fav song(s): a lot of these too

21. Band/singer: i have a lot also

22. TV Show: i don't really have a favorite i just watch whatever.

23. Actor: the funny guys.

24. Actress: well i don't really know.

25. Food: anything pasta really.

26. Number: 25 or 55

27. Cartoon: i don't really watch those. it's usually movies or football/basketball games.

28. Disney Character: is donald duck a disney character? because if he is then yeah that's who my favorite is. he's so damn sexy!

29. Color: blue, pink, purple, black, and lime green.

30. Do you plan on having children: yeah, probably just one though.

31. Do you want to get married? yeah, sometime at least.

32. Where do you want to get married: hawaii, cancun, bahamas, or a really nice church.

33. How old do you wanna be when your married? 19-23

34. Would you have kids before marriage: no, i don't really think that it's right.

36.. Do you have a b/f or g/f (who): no, sadly we are "apart"

37. Do you have a crush: yeah, my ex-boyfriend. which he knows that we are just no together.


38. Music/TV: music

39. Guys/Girls: guys

40. Green/Blue: blue

41. Pink/Purple: purple

42. Summer/Winter: summer

43. Night/Day: night

44. Hangin Out/Chillin: hanging out

45. Dopey/Funny? what's the difference? well i guess there is one isn't there? yeah, well i believe funny because if they're dopey then they are probably stoners..

46. Weird Saying I Have: i don't really have a weird saying.

47. What skool will u go to this fall? well i'm going to herrin high school where i'll be a freshman.

48. Have you ever taken drugs? no

49. What's a major turn on for you? depends on what your talking about.

50. How far would you go on a first date? well depends on how much i know the guy.


51. The person u have known 4 soo long is: michelle. she's been my friend since WAY back when in pre-k. damn, those were the days.

52. mOsT bLoNdE: probably jessica. most of my friends aren't that dizy though.

53.BeSt person i know is: all of them

53. NiCe person: well they're all pretty nice.

54.FuNnIeSt: everyone can make me laugh

55.HaPpIeSt: none are ever truly happy. sad huh?

56.TaLlEst: let me think .. i really don't know?

57. MoSt CaRiNg: jessica or tyler.

58. BeSt aLL aRoUnD pErSoN: well the person that meant a lot to me and still does is probably tyler. yeah, so if you read this it's pretty damn true.

58. Which people do you trust and are open with the most? jessica edwards, ericka ridings, april williams, tyler coffey, emily anderson, and danielle patrick.

59. What do you think of soul mates? what is there to think about them?

60. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? no, it's not right and whoever does is fucking stupid. i mean c'mon why in gods name would you flirt with a guy when you already have a boyfriend? holy shit, it's pretty damn stupid!

61. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? what my dad told me about my grandma. and me and tyler breaking up. i cry everyday about that. ugh, things suck!

62. What's something about guys/girls you don't get? guys- how some of them think that they're like the shit just because of some bull shit reasons.

63. Are you happy? no

64. Why: because me and tyler aren't together and my grandma.

65. What object/person you can't live without? family and friends.

66. Love or Lust? love

67. Silver or gold: silver

68. Diamond or pearl: diamond

69. Sunset or sunrise: both are alright

70. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? nope

71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? not all the time. they take up too much damn space.

72. Do you have any piercing: yeah, my ears. i want my tongue though.

73. If u could get some one in this world who would that be? ok, as in a person right? i want my ex back!

74.What song are u listening to right now? some gay ass shit on the televison

75. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 8151

76. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? either hawaii, cancun, the bahamas, LA, or somewhere in florida.

77. Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with: whoever i end up being with.

78. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? face and body

79. Favorite sports? basketball, soccer, and football.

80. What's the next c.d/s you are going to get? i want that lil jon and the eastside boys CD.

81. What's the best advice given to you? damn, there's been so much shit i don't know what to pick.

82. Have u ever won any special awards? if you want to think that they're special then go right ahead and think that.

83.Your future goals? well for now .. complete high school and go on to college and get a master degree in law and then hopefully get married during that time.

84. Worst sickness u ever had? where i missed a whole week of school. i couldn't even get out of bed because whenever i did i would pass out. yeah, it sucked.

85. Which do you like Funny or Scary movies better? they are both pretty good

86. On the phone or in person? depends..

87. Hugs or kisses? kisses but both are fine

88. What song seems to reflect you the most: um i don't really think about that.

89. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? family and friends.

90. Do u have any enemies? don't have any that i know of. yes, it's a first.

91. What is your greatest fear? losing the people the peoplet that i love and care about a great deal.

92. Have you ever been in love? yes, i actually have because i still have huge feelings for them.

93. Have you met Santa? when i was little at the mall but i think he died?

94. If ET knocked on your door holding up a peace sign and asked to use the phone, what would you say? yeah, that's not going to happen so why does it matter?

95. Last time you talked to the person that you like was: last night

96. Pets? cat .. smokie .. 9 years old.

97. What's your e-mail address? or my yahoo is arobbins25

98. Last time you were depressed?: i am right now. well i'm just really sad.

99. Are you an alcholic?: well i drink if that's what your asking.

100. How are you today? feeling shitty and sad and thinking that nothing in this world could get worse.

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