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Bounce City Skaters

Hey Every one, thanks for checking out our site, hope you liked it. We are currently working on getting a sponsor. Right now, our eyes are on "ohio surf and skate" a skate shop in dayton ohio. Weve been working on some new routines which include bounce and floor. We hope to soon get one that all of us can do. We actually got asked to compete in Vandelia Ohio against these other kids (who all did individual skating) but since we are just starting out we decided to take it slow and not look like complete fools trying to do a routine that not everyone knows. Only Megan and myself can toejam so far but Laura is on the boarder line. But, ya, probably sometime soon like April we will make "the tape" and mail it to Ohio surf and skate. It just all depends on how good our routines are looking by then. Thanks again and if you wish to email us our email is Also if you are looking for a team to be on and are female, between the ages of 13 and 20, can bounce and are willing to learn floor routines, email us and we will send you an application and a schedule of dates which of you can audition. Aight later! -Racey

More Than a Break Sk8r

Skate sites to check out

team Jam City RollerZ from Lima OH.
team train sk8 from Richmond IN.
Dayton boys roll line from Dayton OH.
team Lex. Town Jammers from Lexington KY.
team Simply jammers from Matoon IL.
team skate master U.S.A from Kansas City. KS
team jammin from Daytona FL.
team weekend warriors from Indianapolis IN.
team dont just skate from Indianapolis IN.