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YoU kNoW u Go To BiNg WhEn...

20 WaYs U kNoW u gO tO bInG....

Check This Out!

Everything Bing....


1)Worst possible thing that can happen to downtown of the only 3 bars that dont scan gets closed down, and the entire Bing population goes to the Rat.
2)Congratulations Hinman! in the new dorms might suck more because now they dont even have close proximity to the lecture hall to be proud of.
3)When it hits temps in the positive numbers,its time to break out the shorts.
4)When you see a stretch SUV parked on State Street, the townies believingly convince you that its a rap artist passing through who just HAS to experience FLASHBACK.
5)Girls will still refuse to give up wearing tank tops out, even amidst 10 feet of snow.
6)10pm and 11pm free OCC bus..the only way to travel.
7)Biscuit is the only respectable member of TKE.
8)You dont appreciate having to wait for finals to enjoy PORT-O-BAGEL delivery.
9)By the second semester, you'll know 65% of your lecture class, and will have hooked up with an alarming amount of them.
10)Girls wish that rushing for sororities was even half as much fun as rushing for frats.
11)Another shitty thing that Hinman can add to the more dining hall, and CIW can now have another accessible dining option.
12)Waiting on line to get into FitSpace was bearable because you knew that in 2 weeks people would give up on their New Year's resolutions.
13) Even though you're not actually in New Orleans, girls will still do crazy things for beads at AEPi's Mardi Gras.
14)Sierra Mist replacing Sprite in the dining hall may have been a good business move, but we think it tastes like ass.
15)Dickinson now has one thing to be proud of...sushi.