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November 12th, 2002
grandma's still in the hospital.. she's stable but i miss her voice and seeing her healthy and happy.. i love her so much it's just so hard...

November 13th, 2002
i don't know what to do with myself, they want to take her off the machine on friday night...

November 26th, 2002
i haven't written in a while... just so much has been going on.. missing 2 days of school-so much to catch up on and all... but thanksgiving's almost here. *sigh* i miss my grandma more than anything but she's in a better place now...
"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy" Eskimo saying

one more day of school and i'm off til monday, i can't wait...

November 27th, 2002
Not having the greatest day... everything just seems to be going wrong... hopefully it gets better.. hope everyone has a GREAT thanksgiving

December 16th, 2002
WOW i haven't written in this in forever. i've been really busy with finals and everything.. two more to go - physics tomorrow and chem on thursday.. wish me luck. then, i'm off to california and las vegas.. arthur, 4 more days.. AH! everyone, have a great break