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(Type a title for your page here) The Intuitive Tarot Method

The Intuitive approach is just what it soundslike it might be. This technique uses intuition to guide the interpretations.You might find yourself using this method without even realizing it. You may draw a card that you know to have a particular meaning,yet, at the time you pulled the card, you may have had a 'feeling' that it really stood for something else in this instance. That is your intuition coming through.

Don't fight it! Often times,even though it seems silly or strange, it is surprising to find that your intuitive definition is actually more accurate than the prescribed one. Some people would say that Intuitive and PsychicTarot are the same, but this is not entirely true.

It may seem as though a person is being 'psychic', when they areactually just being aware. Psychics rely on visions or impressions that they receive from other people, they have the ability to see things or receive feelings from other people.

Not everyone has this ability, and it can be argued whether it actually truly exists or not. Everyone has intuitive feelings. Developing them is easy. Just go with what you feel. You'll be surprised how often you are correct.

How to choose a tarot reader

Before you choose a Tarot reader, it is important that you understand what Tarot is, what it can actually tell you, know what kind of Tarot reading you would like to receive, and how you want to receive your reading. Some readers offer free sample readings. You must also know what to expect from these. You should understand basic Tarot reading ethics as well, if you are to choose an ethical reader.

What is Tarot?

The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards. Each card carries a message common to humanity. These cards are simply that, cards. The "power" of Tarot rests in the reader. There is no way to tell where they originated. Even without knowing their origins, Tarot readers can use these cards to connect to your energies for a reading.

What can a Tarot reading tell me?

Many people have the mistaken idea that a Tarot reading can help them find objects, people, tell a date or the name of their soul mate.

Tarot, unfortunately, can do none of these things.

A Tarot reading can tell you about events that could possibly happen if you make no changes in your path.

You can also be assured that the most inaccurate Tarot reading is 75% accurate, so even if you choose a reader new to the field, some of the reading should ring true.

What kind of Tarot reading do you need?

The two main divisions of Tarot readings are "fortunes" and "guidance."

Some Tarot readers consider themselves to be fortune tellers, and will do a reading designed to give you predictions of your future.* Even when dealing with this type of reader, your future is still in YOUR hands*. **If you do not like the result of the reading, you can always change your actions to create a new possibility.**

The other type of reader will do a reading designed to guide you spiritually, or help you by showing alternative paths for you to follow. This type of reader will usually use a title such as Spiritual Counselor, or Tarot Counselor.

There are also different skills attached to Tarot readings.

  • Some readers advertise just a "straight Tarot reading" meaning they rely on the cards alone for the reading.
  • Others advertise intuitive readings or psychic readings using Tarot as the focal point. *An intuitive reader uses Tarot, and feelings about the cards and the situation of the person asking for the reading.
  • A psychic reader uses Tarot and either *clairvoyance (visions)*,
  • * clairsentience (feeling the emotions of others)*,
  • or *clairaudience (hearing voices or sounds through a trance)*.

    The type of reading you choose should reflect your faith in the skills advertised by the reader.

    How do you want your reading delivered?

    Of course it is always best to have your reading done face to face. This is usually easier for the reader, and client. The drawback, of course, is that not everyone has access to a Tarot reader in their town.

    *Readings can be done over the phone, on the Internet via email or chat, or even through the postal service.

    These are all valid delivery systems for a Tarot reading.

    You may be asked for your full name and date of birth, which is the most common information needed by a reader.

    Some readers ask for a photo, or a handwriting sample in order to connect to your personal energy.

    Each reader has special requirements. These vary.

    What about free samples?

    First and foremost, a free sample should be FREE. If the reader simply tells you the cards in your "free" reading, and requests payment for interpretation, or gives very little information, then asks you to pay for the rest of the reading, leave. Hang up the phone, exit the chat room, go off-line from the instant messenger, or block the reader's email. This is not a free reading. A free sample may be brief, after all, it is a sample, but it should be complete. Many offer one to three card readings which give a small amount of information. This should be acceptable. Do not expect to receive your entire life story in a sample.

    Claims of accuracy.

    As already stated, a Tarot reading should be at least 75% accurate. There are many readers who boast accuracy rates of 95% or better. When you see these claims, question the reliability of the claim. No reader can gauge accuracy. The "accuracy" of the reading changes with time, or with the nature of the situation. No outcome is "set in stone." Therefore, no reading can be rated for accuracy.


    Once you have decided what type of reader, and mode of delivery is best for you, ask the reader about ethics, or read about the reader's ethics on his or her website. Many online readers list their ethics. Common standards include a refusal to answer questions concerning health (including death and pregnancy), finances, and legal situations. These readers ask that you consult a professional in the field concerning the question. If the reader refuses to answer your question about ethics, or has no restrictions about what questions to ask, be wary.

    Author's name omitted by request
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