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Star Eyes For Me
*If you have a scanner, and love me, let me know!*

Me... Ashley :)

*I like piercings... but not tooo many.
These are mine*

*My friends*

My bestest friend in the whole wide
world... Kelly!!! She's awesome...
she has a nice doggy named Ruby :)
Kelly likes Yoda... and Yoda likes head!

This is Josh... my other bestest friend!
We have sort of a love-hate relationship.
We fight like cats and dogs sometimes
but its only cuz we're looking out for
eachother. He also happens to be my drummer!
And hes a damn good drummer!

Brandon, or "B" as I refer to him.
Also one of my best friends. He's my
guitar player... I practically live at
his house in the summer. His parents
are like my own. We've had some great times
and I know we'll have tons more!

Rob, my bass player. We... have our
ups and downs, but I think we still remain
pretty good friends. He knows Im here
when he needs me. He's one funny mofo let me
tell ya! "Shakin, like a dog shittin razor
blades..." What a night!

Benny! Yes my Benny... I stole his hoody
and he'll never get it back! MUAHAHAH!
We have some crazy party's at his house...
some of the best times I've ever had with this
kid! I love you Ben!

Casey Casey Casey... let me tell you about
Casey. Casey is the master of the mic when
it comes to jokes. He's the funnies kid
I know! He plays guitar too which is way cool!
Sorry you had to walk that night... even if you
DID want to!!!!

*I need a pic of Erin*
Erin... still my hero... Pangborn! This girl
is the best! She's always there when you need
and you'll never find a better friend. We're
gonna have fun with b.ball next year... we
really are, and I'll be there!

Johnny!!!!! Yes, Jon, my friend that I have
perverted conversations with! He's way cool.
He plays guitar and filled in for us on bass
once which made him even cooler. And hes a
concert freak... and loves me enough to ask me
to come with him sometimes!!!!! YAY JON! What?
Flying Road Head!?!?!

Brad... even though we fight basically
all the time... we do get along once in a
while. And when we're getting along, we have
some good times... kinda like scaring me to
the point where I hyperventalated for a half
hour or something! HAHA good job!!!!

Sandro, my German buddy! He was a forign
exchange student. I remember when we first
started talking, I was telling myself not to
get attached... cuz he was just going to have to
leave. Well let me tell you. I'm glad I didn't
listen to myself, and got to know him. He's
the coolest German I've EVER met! haha, and he's
really sweet... I miss you dear... come back soon!

Erics, a way cool girl you should deffinetly
talk to!!! She likes all the same music
I do, which is awesome, cuz I can ask her
for new bands I haven't heard yet!!!

This is Mina... shes my Crany buddy! She
also happened to be one of my bestest friends
in HS. We use to do all kinds of crazy things...
purity tests in music theory... haha and shes
still way cool! I love you Mina!!!!

Abbott Hayes is the name! You have to check
these guys out. Not only are they hot... haha
but they rock the house like no other! Go to their
site for show info
Abbott Hayes

Thats all for now... When I get my pics scanned
there'll be a ton more... but I can't find a
working scanner at the moment. Thanks for checkin
the site out!!!!
