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Alpha Pi Chi Sorority

As a Sisterhood offers each member unity with one another and the world commuity through volunteering time and energy and working as a group for the good of others. As each of us becomes united with one another, the bridge to truth, honesty, trust, confidentiality, and honor will be built brick by brick. By promoting knowledge and expanding our horizions we will be helping ourselves, each other, this University, and the community. We will promote the Alma Mater through our respect for it, and it's property, for this University brings us together as friends and students to achieve the high standards of good academic marks and allows us to accept the diversity of all people.

A sorority is a sisterhood of honorable women, courteous and cultured, who pledges throughout thier lives to be generou, compassionate, and loyal comrades. Their members are honor bound to strive for intellectual, moral, and spirtual excellence; to help and forgive sisters; to discharge promptly all just debts; to give aid and sympathy to those who are less fortunate. They are honor bound to stregthen individual character and deepen thier integrity; to counsel and guide sisters who stray from thier obligations; to respect and emulate sisters who practice moderation in thier manners and morals; to be ever mindful that loyalty to thier sorority should not weaken loyalty to the college, but rahter increase devotion to it, to my country, and to my God. To meet you all, wherever you go, you represent not only your sorority, but indeed the spirit of all sororities; thus you must ever conduct yourself so as to bring respect and honor not to yourself alone, but also to your sorority.

You have to get involved with Alpha Pi Chi! We are a local sorority at Bemidji State University! We have 100 members and are going strong! We are a philantrophy sorority, which means that we are involved in community service events!

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