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Quotez Page 1

If you asked me which meant more to me
you or my life i'd say my life
but u'd walk away not knowing are my life...

n0 0ne in duz w0rld c0uld ever c0mpare to y0u
my 0ne queztion iz will y0u eva l0ve me like i l0ve y0u

DiSs cHiCk RiTe HeA- sHeS *rEmarkabLe
gIrLs sTiLL AiNt LeaRniN sHeS *uNstopPable

SoMeTiMeS aLL YoU CaN dO iS
SmiLe AnD WaLk AwAy HiDe YoUr
FeeLiNgs AnD PrEtEnD uR OkAy

i mIsS tHa wAy yOo uSeD tO kiSs mE
tHaA fEeLiNgZ yOo uSeD tO sHoW bUt --
moSt oF aLl i miSs tHa gUy i uSeD tO kNoE

Just When You Think Your Over Him..
[. He SmiLeSs AnD u ReALiZe .]
Your Not Even CloSe

gotta love these hatin ass chicks
ridin me so hard lyke i was a dick

my flOwz hOtTa dan fire-im a claSsic
type preTty like barbie minus da plastic

_wen yOu lOve sOmeOne wut can yOu dO?_
-yOu cant cOntrOl yOur heart-
_it cOntrOlz y O u_

i woke up smilin cuz in my dream i was with you
but that smile slowy fades wen i realize...
not all dreamz come tru

i wunna be that one you point
to w/ ur boi's and b like 'thats her'

PrEpPy LiL gUrLz DrEsSeD uP aLL gOoDy GoOdY
bUt MeE nA i JuSs bE rOcKiN tImZ nD a HoOdy

U cALl mI a bItCh I knO i KnO
bUt iN dA wOrDz Of LuDaCrIs
|[*yOuZ a HoE*]]

i nEeD sOmE wUn tO sTaY bY mE wEn tYmEz gEt RuFf
tOo HoLd MeE nD kIsS mEe wEn iVeE hAd EnUfF

mY lIfe WoUlD be CoMpLeTe if You r Tha WuN feR mE
wEn mY eYeZ cLoSe yOuRe tHe WuN i sEe
yOuRe tHe OnLy WuN iLL eVeR aDoRe
nOw i dUn hAvE tO sEaRcH fOr tHe pErFecT wUn nO mOrE

Im a Fighter
...Not a Hater...
U wanna see me
...Meet me later...

iZ wut i rep
U walkin near me?
...Watch ya step...

cute lil bytch
sexii lil hunni
me jelouz of you
haha dats funny

me and my gurls were meant to shine
me and my gurls were meant to shine
while da rest of yous are borderline

smart asz mami cute as can bee
no wun can hold it down like me

u TeLL mE iM cRaZzY nD i*LL sTiLL FoLLoW ThRo
.....cUz SoMeWhErE aLoNg ReAliTy.....
dreams d0 c0mE tRuEe