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A page for my baby gurl, Candice!

This is a page dedicated to my twin sister, Candice. She's my inspiration. I Love her so much. She's the air that I breathe, and the sights I see with my eyes. I can't even begin with how many things she's done for me. She's always been there, and she's always had my back even for things that were wrong. I love her, and She's my guardian angel.

Hey again, Im just droppin in to type in some more cool stuff about my sister! Today is May '03. And She's out with her girlfriend, and Im over at m brother's apartment. I wish she would spend some more time with me, but I want her to be happy and she is with her girlfriend. Plus I love seeing her happy! I love that girl, everyday she surprises me with something that that amazes me, but good things!

The Rainbow Swirl.. To you Candice. lol, I love ya!

Thanks for visiting my page that I made for my twin sister Candice, Please do come back again!