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Welcome and thanks for stopping by!


My name is Ally and I'm the proud mother of a little boy - who is my day and my night and everything in between - a typical mothers response but true.

As you can see by the theme of this page - I love the Sci-fi and Mystical elements that are associated with the other realms.

I also like to dabble with new programmes on my computer I am currently teaching myself about the Adobe package that I just purchased.

I work from home in my own business as a freelance Web Designer and I also do basic Digital Photography touchups.

All of the images used here have been obtained from free sites and if I have anything with a copyright please email me and let me know as I will remove it immediately.

If you like my Web Site you can have one done too by contacting AD IT Designs at allymd@blueskyinternet.com.au



I as you may have guessed by now I adore the whole new age (hippy) realm of things.

I love Crystals & Pewter, Fairies, Pixies & Elves.

I enjoy Sci-fi/fantasy books my favourite author is Maggie Furrey. I enjoy Science Fiction movies and there are too many favourites to list them all.

I think Bruce Willis is a great actor - 12 Monkeys, 5th Element, the Sixth sense were all great movies, I also have liked just about all Sandra Bullock, Meg Ryan and Drew Barrimore movies.

I like TV shows like SG1 & Angel

I like Dark Angel & Star Trek Voyager . .


Gifs of the Realm - some of the graphics were from this site

This background is from this site

This is a great stargate SG1 site for the Star Gate Fans out there.

This link will take you to my Ebay Me Page.

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