Halo Fanatics Unite
Halo Fanatics Unite

SH Clan Members


RvB and Halo icons
Halo/Halo2 Weapons
Halo2 Vehicles
Halo2 Screenshots
Halo/Halo2 Character pix
my dawg YelrufYelruf's site
ninJASONfire's site (down for now)
PBJ Time!!!PBJ Time!!!
a little rip offA little rip off
the popular All Your Base videoAll your base
Goto forum!

  • NEWS!!!!-> Not gunna be updating as much, school's starting, so is band camp, um, i am still internet broke guys......... wow who'd have thought, And i am gunna fix those messed up links in the other pages, the flash ones. after a while. (7.21.03 10:28P.M. EST)
  • Email: skatersebjb@aol.com