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Song of the Alphabet

Wise Prophethood Platform

Predict Evil Spell. Cast by me whenever Dybuk is free and the spell is available.

Terminal purging. Ships found guilty of terminal purging shall be declared enemies of the Wise One and prosecuted by Wise chosen.

Adventure sharing. I shall be maintaining Nevermind's adventure sharing list.

Terminal report sharing. Every turn, either I or one chosen will cast report from all terminals. Portions of the data will be made available via the web.

Chosen eligibility. Chosen slots will be maintained for ships needing enlightenment. Other slots will be provided to without discrimination based on ship size, age, alliance affiliation, or political views. However, chosen and prophets of other Old Ones shall be excluded from chosenship, as shall be members any galactic enforcement bodies. Chosen shall be reviewed periodically to give all ships a chance to be chosen.

Chosen requirments. One chosen shall be required to take care of the terminal report. Other chosen shall be required to praise once every three turns unless extenuating circumstances prevent it. Chosen shall also spread the word of the Wise. Assistance to ships in need should be provided when possible.

Favour exchange. Denouncing shall usually be allowed with permission. Exchange between two ships shall be allowed with a post in the Times. As always, creativity is appreciated.

Education camps. Chosen shall be running education camps on various subjects on request. The initial camp shall be run by me, with the subject "How to Close HTML Tags in SST Posts." This camp will be mandatory for Anonymous and anyone else who has failed to close tags. The second camp will be "Creating Links in the SST" and will be mandatory for me and run by someone qualified. I have spoken with Zaphod and Century Sparrow, and both are willing to work with me to find subjects that young ships are interested in learning about.

Scholarships. I will award scholarships to small ships to cover the first couple levels of the academy and school. Applications will be accepted at any time. Applications should demonstrate commitment to the ideals of the Wise One. Size of award is subject to current market prices. Also, stay tuned for news on The Award for the Wise.

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