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Abigail Marie


January 9, 1998 - June 2, 1998

Your time with us was much to short,
We barely got to know you,
We never had a chance to teach you much,
But you taught us how to love.

Your smile when I came home from work,
Your laughter when you played with Drew and Taylor
The way you snuggled your mother and kissed her on the cheek.
You were our Abs, our hotshot, our little cuddlebug.

God truly blessed us when he placed you in our lives.
He has called you to his family in heaven, away from us on earth.
The memories you gave us, the love you showed.
We are glad God gave you to us.
Even if the time was much to short.

Your loving family

Grief over the death of a child
Is the hardest work most of us will ever do.
While we all wish for the pain to stop,
we need to remember that we grieve intensely
because we loved intensely

It is unrealistic to expect the grief
to ever totally go away.
Our grief is an act of love and is nothing
for which we should be ashamed.

Abbie's Birthstone Angel

Website created by Janie from Lady J's

Page last updated August 8, 2004