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Our Christmas Lights> <!-- START MOUSE TRAIL SCRIPT --> <!-- This part of the script goes between your HEAD tags. --> <!-- This script is courtesy of Bravenet Web Services. --> <!-- is the webs top rated site for FREE Webmaster Tools! --> <!-- This is where you set all of the font attributes. Vedana or Times New Roman is suggested. --> <style> .spanstyle { position:absolute; visibility:visible; top:-50px; font-size:10pt; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold; color:yellow; } </style> <!-- END HEAD TAG PART OF SCRIPT. --> </head> <!-- This part of the script goes INSIDE your FIRST BODY TAG. --> <body onLoad="makesnake()" style="width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll"> <!-- This part ONE of TWO that goes BETWEEN your BODY tags. --> <script> var x,y var step=20 var flag=0 // Your Message goes here. Important: Note the space at the end of the sentence!!! var message="Christmas Lights 2003 " message=message.split("") var xpos=new Array() for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) { xpos[i]=-50 } var ypos=new Array() for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) { ypos[i]=-50 } function handlerMM(e){ x = (document.layers) ? e.pageX : document.body.scrollLeft+event.clientX y = (document.layers) ? e.pageY : document.body.scrollTop+event.clientY flag=1 } function makesnake() { if (flag==1 && document.all) { for (i=message.length-1; i>=1; i--) { xpos[i]=xpos[i-1]+step ypos[i]=ypos[i-1] } xpos[0]=x+step ypos[0]=y for (i=0; i<message.length-1; i++) { var thisspan = eval("span"+(i)+".style") thisspan.posLeft=xpos[i] thisspan.posTop=ypos[i] } } else if (flag==1 && document.layers) { for (i=message.length-1; i>=1; i--) { xpos[i]=xpos[i-1]+step ypos[i]=ypos[i-1] } xpos[0]=x+step ypos[0]=y for (i=0; i<message.length-1; i++) { var thisspan = eval("document.span"+i) thisspan.left=xpos[i][i] } } var timer=setTimeout("makesnake()",30) } </script> <!-- This part TWO of TWO that goes BETWEEN your BODY tags. --> <script> for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) { document.write("<span id='span"+i+"' class='spanstyle'>") document.write(message[i]) document.write("</span>") } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } document.onmousemove = handlerMM; </script> <!-- END BODY TAG PART OF SCRIPT. --> <!-- END MOUSE TRAIL SCRIPT --> </body> </html> <head><center> <table href="http:/url.html" bgcolor="#5533FF" border="4" width="100%" link="#66FF66" vlink="#A10000"> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#191919"> <font color="#ffffff"> <marquee behavior="right"> The Lights will be Switched on Saturday November 29th 2003 - </marquee></td></tr></table></a> </center> <title>Christmas Lights 2003


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Christmas Lights 2002

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51 Marys Hope Rd, Rosetta, Tas
Gonzo Marretti

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