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Supperdude9's Page...

Welcome to the site that hopes to entertain you. I as a person... well, I'm not entertaining. But I do love to be entertained. I hope that all the links that I provide and all the content on my site entertain you to the fullest. Hopefully, this will be like a waypoint or something... I'll keep adding links when I feel like it. You might notice that there are a lot of Resident Evil links though...
I am 20% evil.
Take the test ::
Think you can handle the laughs? SD9 presents to you, yes, you, the loser that you are (jk) prolly the funniest music video ever on the internet. If you notice, I haven't really given much credit to those who took the actual video, since I just went around finding the funniest clips. And if I offended you, I'm sorry. If your clip is in there, E-Mail me, and I'll post up who took the footage on a page I'll make for them. As for the video itself, I won't appreciate someone ripping it and labeling it as their own. It's MINE. I just worked on a cruddy video editor to do this, so I couldn't put my name or anything on it. But you may distribute the video (you'll need Windows Media Player to watch it in the first place) to your family & friends for a good laugh. Credit to The Offspring, who sang the song "Huck It." And credit to those who took the footage, even though I don't know them. And Noodles thanks everyone. Literally! If you want to know what song this is, it's "The Angle", performed by CORE. You can visit their website at!


Initial Links.

To my Links page!
To my Voicepack Page!
This leads to my Brothers Page. Some funny comix, but may contain content that some peeps may find unsuitable for momma's boys... ;)
To my Starcraft Maps Page!
To my stories page!
Kryten Home of Kryten Comix.
To my GTA Save File Page!
The Official Resident Evil website!
The Unofficial Resident Evil website!
Gamespots' history of Resident Evil.
Planet Community vs. Resident Evil, and SD9's Guest Comic Writings!
The Official Unreal Website!
Download the kick-arse song now! (Right-Click and Save Target As!)
Go to my Offspring section!!!
Caption This! section.
SD9 Music Video - HUCK IT!
