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Welcome to Operation: Steve Le Marquand! Today is July 23,2001 and I have been trying for the last like 15-20 minutes to get this stupid scroll bar color thingy to work! See, it's on my other 2 frames, but not this one! If anyone has an idea of what the problem could be, please let me know because it is really bugging me and not to mention, screwing up all the html here! Also, um, the little button down there with a ducky that says "Flawesome Reviews", that is mine and my sis's! You should really visit it! Well, that's all for now. Thanks for visiting! I hope I can make somewhat of a fan out of you! XOXO, Cassie

//Australian accents are SEXY \\

Visit these cool sites! I linked them because they either helped me or I think they're just soooooo cool!

.o0 Banana Bubbles Reviews 0o.
{-July Reviews-}  <~Flower Reviews~> //Blossom Reviews\\
>>Love your pups while you can....before it's too late....<<

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