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The College Center

I attend Lebanon Valley College. GO FLYING DUTCHMEN!!!! Right now I plan to major in Psychobiology, it's really intesting to me even though no one has ever heard of it and looks at me funny when I mention it. Psychobiology is obviously a combination of psychology and biology. I plan to get involved in the medical end of this field. I want to do research in a hospital or pharmaceutical setting studying how people react to certain medications, legal or illegal, they take. My goal is to work in a NY hospital or pharm. lab making lots of money to GET TALL and buy a home for my parents. I used to be the only one in my major but since it is SOOOO awesome other people want to do it too!! And guess what! I'm going to be insane (no pun intended) and also major in Psychology!!! So i'll have double major with Psychobiology and Psychology.

Here are some pictures.

THE GIRLS!!! In order: Amy, Me, Becky, Nicole, Courtney, Danni, and Zoob

Becky, Me, and Danni

Becky wacks Danielle

Danni beasts me

I really sucked at this game.

Nicole and Amy ready to fight.

Danni gets beasted by Zoob in this game.

Danni, Zoobie, and Becky

"Hey Becky, can you see my eye cross-eyed" - Danielle and Becky

Me and Amy

Me, Amy and Danielle

But wait.......There's more......

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