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The Never Ceasing Inside Jokes

In no particular order........

Tara: stalkerishious

Monica: dating and doing "things" with Chinese men

Zach: I'm the reigning cheesy pretzel queen

Zach: 5 minutes past 10, there goes the pocket watch

Zach: our stage kisses rock

Geo: Take care, brush your hair/hug a bear/don't drink nair...eww that would suck

Lori: most likely to get caught in a shirt

Zach: don't fall down a well literally

Shannon: "waving arms to each side" Jesus Jesus Jesus

DD 2000-2001: singing "I love Jewish people, becaaaauuuusseee Mr. DiLauro said I should."

Lori, Stacey: you and your dirty Lady Marmelade dancing

Carl: lets make out behind the bush at the park

Geo: isn't my car HOTT!!

Geo: You're GREAT

Zach: Presidents of Most Likely Not To Get a Lead in the School Play CLUB!!!

Monica: I'm in the need for some normal men, no he wasn't normal..he was a stalker.

Shannon and Tara: say that I'm dying

Shannon: silly doesn't mean weird, I don't want to be weird!

Geo: "after slapping him" he says, you haven't slapped me for it again!

Carl, Melissa, Shannon, Geo: gosh what was that SMELL! Disney games!

Carl: lousy spice girls tatoos

Monica: what about those 27 year old men-grrr, yum

Monica: what if your guy dropped you for a guy? THAT WOULD SUCK!

Carl: senior prom in neon attire

Shannon: not with you looking like that

Carl, Geo, Shannon, Rob, Duff: the flying Peni men...cause I was there

Guys DD 2000-2001: my car! damn kids! grrr

Monica: pent up sexual frustration

Gina, Carl, Zach: angels and devils, Moulin Rouge, cops at the park

Zach and Carl: Valentine's Day Dinner, lets play kick the can!

Everyone that was at Penn Queen: the exploding glass

Tara: remember...bitches of a feather flock together

Zach: OK I'll be the tan cow's ass, we'll write it in. Zach can be it's front

Gi,Carl,Geo,Melissa: Clamp me down and dominate me...32% gay, 45% bitch..and the horrible amount of people we'll have sex with.

Halloween Party People: Uh ohhh where'd they oompa loompa, batman, toga dude, tigger, nerds, devil, hoe, Tiffany look alike, and vixens

Geo: you and me BFF forever! yes!

Duff: seriously...what CAN you eat?

Zach: Herbie and Rose....stage kisses again???

Zach and Gina: Cellulite roles or anorexic gaps?

Zach, Gi and Carl: What'll I do when *the cats* go out?

Shannon: Stewies Chewies Chocolate Chip Coowies!

Zach: dirty stories about teachers

Gi, Mel, Tara, and Maria: the hospital adventure and my pregnancy

Gina: tell me, what's the hospital sign

Gina: FOOD! lol your dog will be sooo confused.

Carl: I love ya! You're gonna have the hottest back ever!

George: getting skinny!? i'm your #1 dreidel spinner!!

Gina: My car = Talk trash car

Shannon: Hottest Prom Date ever

Shannon: I wanna be a princess....HELP ME!

Kevin: cause you felt left out

Gina: banana dresses and green underwear combo

Leslie: HA HA HA HA....what? are you calling me?? lol we're sooo mean. temporary...i can spell it at least.

Kevin: I thought of one! Long sleeve shirts and t-shirts RULE!!!

Gina and Zach: Total Divas

Kim: at least YOU don't think I'm a bitch

Melissa: running into walls is fun

Melissa: whoever said you had to SING happy interpretations

Shannon, Zach, Melissa: Silver Diner journey, Spiderman at 11:30, all the talks about teachers being hott, TOBY MAGUIRE!

Shannon: I KNOW you have a shrine

Shannon: someone's looking MIGHTY good right now.

Geo, Shannon, and Gi: ALPHABET SONGS! You strolling! 4 songs rounds rule too

Gina: Penis Pullers rule!

Melissa, Zach, and Gi: The Philly Adventure....finding a parking spot, traveling down south street, thinking we were lost, going through the red light, yelling at Gi about the parking spots.

Spring Trip Room Buddies: hey Rachel, what WAS that light, shadows on the wall, sexy spanish stallions, 60's music CDS!!!

Mel, Carl, Zach, Gi, Shannon: Psycho asshole limo driver! What's up with the flowers in the trunk thing and us having to walk across the street?!



Mel and Gi: Old Time Photos ROCK! But having to wear those clothes are nasty!

Melissa: getting hit on by dirty spanish people, puny 13 year olds, and greek SEX SEX SEX

Mel, Gi, Geo, Shannon: nice job ass hole

CATCH (not ketch) PHRASE!!!!

Melissa: shimber me timbers AKA blank blank blank...WHAT John Lennon!

Gina: the number 8 argument

Carl and Gina: NO COWS!! I guess cow tipping's out, sorry Carl. You still have Snapple bottles

Mike: AWWWW poor baby hurt his finger...and then called me a bitch.

I love Carl and Carl loves himself....what's a girl to do? "Why do I love you, why do you love me? Why can't there be two happy as we?"

Kevin: SO you hate DMB but you buy their CD??? Hmmmm strange.

Angela and Melissa: WE ARE THE RC's 4 EVER!

Cynthia: The Reeces Pieces Sundae catastrophe.


Carl,Melissa,Tara: You are all fired!

Melissa and Gi: Us fatties gotta stick together.

Carl: How can you know the actors names if its a silent movie?

Georgie: I know Jesus' last name, Christ, right?

Gi: freak alcoholic...what's this? Smirnoff?

Zach and Mel: South Street baby! wait, wait, it's supposed to snow can Melissa come?

Melissa: I love all these happy people? Ew did you see that girl? She is SOOO jealous of my loud obnoxious laugh. Lets buy underwear!

Mel and Zach: Karaoke Bar, me being flagged from soda and water, the weird waitress, bowling alley, me being good, the hot guy who let me share his balls, mel's belt, the spanish stallion at that diner who didn't know what a canolli was.

Mel: I wish the Beatles were still alive so we could see them perform. We could go to a tribute concert!

Zach: "Did you hear, Kelly died?" Me: (thinking it was his sister Kelly) "omg, really? i'm sorry." Zach: "yeah Kelly Clarkson." Me: (being confused) "lol oh really?" Zach: "yeah, my mouse, Kelly Clarkson, she died." Me: "YOU ASS!!"

Carl: "OMG I get it!" Us: "woah...miracle"

Zach and Melissa: Unbreak my hymen

Gi: Edward Norton can SING!? Orgasm

Gi: A very BAD wearer of flip-flops. shame shame

Me: "omg last night i think i had a dream about people from the simpsons but they weren't yellow - they were normal." Georgie: "that's awesome" Me: "lol if you like the simpsons." Georgie: "crystal, its bound to happen, ur going to enjoy the simpsons someday." me: "you'll have to tape me to a chair and pop in their dvd one day."

Carl: "I'm slow." Me: "aw...yeah"

Zach and Mel: While playing honk and wave, African Americans shouted, "it's ok, they're black". LOL woah.

Carl: :I wanna write on your hand that I miss you." *while he's writing* Me: "It says you missed me!" Carl: "well you're here now."

Mel: Basket of Cheer! What the heck! More like Basket of Sorrow.

Mel: we need to stick together to protect each other!

Zach: If I keep drinking water and you keep smoking maybe the old man who is fake sign languaging will go away.

Too many trips to the mall in one day will make a girl look pathetic. DON'T go into the store that replaced Chick-Fil-A! Let's get chains and signs and boycott!

Shannon and Mel: This mall SUCKS! No cinnabon or chicken!!

Zach and Melissa: We're Threes Company, but Zach isn't pretending.

Zach and Mel: Broadway Sweat, work it...ah the hell with it.

Mel, Carl, Zach: the tidal wave of water, South Street in the rain, the people Carl was scared of, having to peeeeeeee.

Mel and Zach: The shore trip, food on the beach, the rain..again, the hott cigarette man, and the hot ice cream man, the "casinos" that Zach went crazy for.

Mel and Zach: Three's Comoanx 2004 - how priceless.

Melissa: we're CRIMINALS (aka the orange cone fiasco)!!!! Let's cheese Zach's car....nah lets just write him a note, we can't get arrested that way.

Carl: ME-"I don't get it they have every other juice but why not banana juice?" Carl-"Bananas don't have juice." ME-"ohhhh omg you are officially smart." A little while later.... ME-"Wait, when you smash a banana there is moisture, Carl you're a dork!"

Zach's Picnic Crew: bringing Cooper River to us how kick ass.

Zach, Tara, Mel: The Rising Dawn aka Shit Ass Diner, Kaye and her oldness, eyebrows and hearing aid, Tara's burrito. Man that diner sucked.

The chicken soup is clear, you know like tomato.

Zach, Tara, Carl: Maple Shade Carnivals stink majorly!! The game of Life rocks though, even though Carl won.

Tara-"did you take pictures of the amish people?!" ME-"lol no way!" Tara-"why not?!" ME-"but when we ever go YOU can. lol" Tara-"oh i will"

Mel and Zach-When we went to Sea Side we passed by this billboard of a woman. Zach shouts "heh stupid ugly bitch." my reply, "Zach that was a poster of a woman who died in a car accident!" Zach says, "i'm going to hell"

Mel and Carl- both experienced the wind tunnel of my car.

Who could forget the time we had at Silver Diner!! Looking for Matt B., me alughing loud and embarasing everyone, and best of all THE CELL PHONE GIRL! "we're in south jersey....i just called to tell you i heard this song and i thought of you." what a dork!

Mel and Zach-New Hope trip in wacky clothing.

Zach: Me pee is green, is your pee green? Melissa didn't pee yet so I don't know about her pee.

Driving through town screaming Nancy is highly enjoyable.

Zach: your character died. Rest in Peace John Ritter.

Angela's correct theory that she has ADD - She said something about squirells and porches that confused us all.

The continuous game of Celebrity...

Zach being the Fairy Godfather in Cindyrella - priceless!! Nice tight pants baby!!

Mine and Melissa's theory on Zach NEVER introducing us to hot guys - and he gropes us in front of them...ASS.

Just because it was brought up: Wiffle Stick, by Melissa and Zach...that game was HORRIFICALLY annoying!

Melissa: Nothing is more fun then swing dancing in the aisles of wal-mart holding a pink bra!

The best day home was the last day home! The "nice" waitress at Coach Diner, getting my b-day gift from Carl, the Alpo ads (and Zach smelling like beef and cheese), Dave and Busters, getting carded, George getting kicked out, South Street in 2 degree weather, maybe getting lost in Philly but always in the nice sections.

As Melissa sang along to the bell chimes in the Franklin Mills Mall, I realized why she and I are best friends. We can be our odd but real selves around each other and not feel dumb. Love that girl.

But wait....there's more.....

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