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July 12, 2002

Feeling - Depressed
Jamming - Savage Garden~Truly, Madly, Deeply
Thinking - Sean.....

Savage Garden I'll b ur dream, I'll b ur wish, I'll b ur fantasy, I'll b ur hope, I'll b ur luv, B evrything dat u need, I'll luv u more w/ evry breath, Truly, madly, deeply do, I will b strong, I will b faithful, 'cuz 'm counting on, A new beginning, A reason, 4 living, A deeper meaning Chorus-"I want 2 stand w/ u on a mountain I want 2 bathe w/ u in da c I want 2 lay like dis 4eva Until da sky falls down on me" & wen da stars r shining britely in da velvet sky Ill make a wish 2 send it 2 heaven Den make u want 2 cry Da tears of joy 4 all da pleasure in da certainty Dat were surrounded by da comfort & protection of Da hiest powers In lonely hours Da tears devour u(Chorus)O can u c it baby U dun hav 2 close ur eyes Cuz its standing rite here b4 u All dat u need will surely com Ill b ur dream Ill b ur wish Ill b ur fantasy Ill b ur hope Ill b ur luv B evrything dat u need Ill luv u more w/ evry breath Truly madly deeply do(Chorus)

Sean I kan't think straight. I would type something, but I'm on phone with Kriselle... so yea.... I'll have to talk about it later.

Lisa Bitched @ 12:07 PM
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July 11, 2002

Feeling - out of the shower not too long ago....mmmmm...... *streches*.
Jamming - Eminem~Cleaning Out My Closet
Thinking - Of my fwends... life... and my school...

Eminem....I'm sorry Momma, I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to make you kry, but tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet...omgsh, wat a sad song, it kan only bring depression, and I thought my life was dramatic and crucial. I guess I have no right to compare my life to his childhood and life right now. *sigh*

Brother's Room Actually, yesterday I didn't sleepi in my brother's room, I slept downstairs. It was really freaky bcuz there were no curtains to cover the windows, and so I felt as if someoen was watching me. haha, what kan I say, I watch alot of skary movies!

Airport incident Yesterday, I also picked up my dad from the John Wayne Airport bcuz he went to New Orleans, Louisiana bcuz he needed to go to a wedding. So my uncle and I went a lil early, and so we drove around, and so obviously if people werent outside, we thought that his airplane hadn't landed yet. So he told me that he could take me somewhere to see my dad's plane land. So we parked and we saw 4 airplanes in about 5 minutes before seeing his airplane, which was quite funny. Then like we went to back bay on accident because like my uncle was trying to look for a street where it ends so he can make a u turn but he couldn't, so it took us all the way to Back bay. He thought that if wouldn't matter at first beucae he said it might take a while for my dad to get his things and everytihng. Haha, boy was he wrong, and like my dad called my uncle asking where we were, and he said that we were on the way. And so I was telling my uncle that I would say all this stuff like saying we wnet to Back bay and he said that I was going to tell him everything, aren't I. At the moment, I didn't think of it, but I could have said that "I kan't keep things from my dad, or I would lose his trust." That would have been the perfect time because my uncle is always telling me that I shouldn't keep things from my parents, or i would have their mistrust.

Lisa Bitched @ 12:34 AM
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July 10, 2002

Feeling - Happy
Jamming - Play Featuring Chris Trousdale~I'm gonna make you love me

Thinking - Of who else?! My good friends, including Sean.

Layout Tibit Hey, I'm getting used to this HTML thing, aren't you guys happy for me? In my own opinion, Blog stands for Bitch Log. If you were wondering what Blog meant. I'm happy becaue I finally got my layout planned out, but I have not yet finished it yet. Anyways, as you can see, the layout is Yu-Gi-Oh. I'll give you more information on the layouts later.

Lindsey Today, I talked to my friend Lindsey because I haven't talked to her in the longest time. She was away at Lake Tahoe, and now that she's back, and we have to hang out. Welcome back gurlie! Its so kewl you're back!

Steven and Sean Anyways, moving on, I found out that my cousin went to Beach and Tennis yesterday, and like he saw Sean. Haha, he lost his wallet, and I asked my cuz if Sean knew that we came to his house on Monday. It was really embarassing on Monday because like my friends Anna, Kira, Steven(cuz), and Mandy were comign along to go over to his house. So then when we arrived at his house, his neighbor was outside and I asked if the Michaels live next door, and then he couldn't understand me, so then I asked if he knew who lived next door. The man answered, "First name?" So I said "Sean?" and then he said that he was a really nice and "Just don't get caught in the dark with him thoguh." I felt so embarrassed when a complete stranger said that about me and his neighbor. So afeter he went inside, that's when some other real embarassment started. Steven started going bizerk, becasue he started pounding on the door and like yelling "Sean Michael! Its the police, come out!" Then my other friends were like "Lisa's here for you! Sean! Sean Michael!"

Sleeping In My Bro's Room Anyways, moving on, today is going to be interesting becuase I have to sleep in my brother's room. I have to beucae we are installing new windows and my dad moved all my stuff, including my bed, so there was room for the workers to install the window. So my bed mattress is like kinda slanted so I can't sleep on that. So now, I have to sleep in his room, but good thing there are 3 beds in his room. Phew! He told me to go sleep in the bathroom and I said that I wasn't going to make the same mistake he did. So yea, but it's kewl because he's really funny, and like yea, he's not that bad as a brother. This brother is Tam, and he has to read about 300 pages and its 9:53 so he has to stay up, beucase its going to be due tomorrow.(Yesh he has summer skewl...) Although he's talking to his girlfriend, he's not very smart.

Lisa Bitched @ 10:06 PM
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+Fixing the main page
+Fixing the layout of the main page
+Adding Links To My Linkage
+Working My Pictures Page




-Hot Shit-



-Duel Monsters-

Ms. Lizzy
Born November 11 at Fountain Vally Hospital. Full Vietnamese
Siblings include 3 older brothers named David, Michael, and Tam
Attends Serrano Intermediate
Catholic and attends St. Nicholas Catholic Church
*Hyper *Considerate *Good Samaritan *Dramatic *Happy *Optimistic *Smart *Funny *Lazy *Caring *Friendly *Outgoing *Weird *Krazi *Sensitive
~Artist ~Student ~Poet ~Dancer ~Actress ~Singer ~Sister ~Problem Resolver ~Daughter ~P.A.L
Lisa Trang Nguyen
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