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You are my Sonshine... onshine omeSchool only Sonshine...
"We need to be the change we wish to see in the world."

This site was updated on Sunday, May 25, 2003.

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Cory's Story: Why We Decided to Home School

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ADHD is real, but is it really a disorder?
Click the ribbon to read one man's story
answering the question "What's it like to have ADD?"

It's a child, not a choice.
Abortion stops a beating heart.

This site has been rated safe for all ages!

Have a sunshine day!

School Icons Club

Home Schooling: Helping to ensure our child at a time.

This site was created on February 26, 2002
Contents ©Sonshine HomeSchool 2002-2003
Webhosting provided by Angelfire.