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~*i am the sea goddess*~

sea cliffs rise over wave kissed shores. sunlight splashes your face, and palm trees sway in balmy breezes. you*re not quite sure how you got here, but you can*t remember ever feeling more relaxed. the sand is warm silk under your bare feet. the sounds of the sea draw your eyes, and the sparkling water entices you. you wade in, and water surges around your legs, caressing your skin. then you dive below the canopy of waves, where butterfly fish flutter in anemone gardens. you*re startled by something large with a shiny tail, but it spurts away quick as a wink. heart pounding, you surface to breathe. could it be? by some twist of fate, you*ve reached the realm of the ~*sea goddess*~. so sit back, relax and enjoy the soothing water. i hope you enjoy your swim! ;o)

e~mail the goddess