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Quite possibly the worst website around

pompey web site

A few Changes

Thanx for stoppin by on my website. Please leave a comment on my message board. This site is shit so don't read the news just sign my guestbook!!!!!!!!!! This weeks news.

I am pleased to announce a couple at my work went out the other day. I dont want to announce who they are but I will say that one is an up and coming future of the co-op and the other is a tall blonde girl whose punctuality leaves a lot to be desired. I try to change this website but I don't have a fucking clue how to do half the stuff on it so I just have to have it looking as shit as it does. Has anyone tried pigeon pie because to be honest it is the finest pie you will ever try I must say cheezy cucmbers is a good side dish with this so I may even post the recipe up for these soon.

Rumours and Messages

Come back and visit this site soon.... Urrrrmmmm.... Stu I don't fancy Clare so I would appreciate it if you would stop telling every fucker that i do.... Food glorious food.... please take my quiz....

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Take my Quiz on! Updated 16/3/2003