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Rurouni Kenshin

First i should explain the basic concept of the story as i understand it...
Kenshin Himura was the legendary manslayer, the Battousai. He helped in a
revolution and killed many people. When the revolution was over he
and other samurais found it difficult to live. They had been used to a certain way
of life but with the new government, even swords were outlawed. Most of
them sought to find a way to change the government but Kenshin is different.

Kenshin Himura became a wanderer and, feeling remorse for his past killings,
vowed never to kill again and so carries a reverse blade sword(Sakabatou).
Since the blade is on the wrong side, he only knocks them unconscious.
He uses the Hiten Mitsurugi style of swordsmanship. He has red hair
which isn't common and an X scar on his left cheek. He is 28 when our story begins.

Kaoru Kamiya is the assistant master of the Kamiya Kasshin style. She teaches
it but because of rumors has but one student(for quite a while anyway).
It is obvious she has feelings for Kenshin. She found him by attacking him
and thinking he was someone claiming to be the legendary manslayer that
Kenshin really is. He acts as a klutz and she knows she is wrong. Then he
saves her school's reputation and she knows who he is.

Yahiko Myoujin, only student of the Kamiya Dojo, is an orphan. He was raised
as a pickpocket to pay off and imaginary debt. Kaoru sticks up for him and he
joins her school. He falls in love with any pretty girl he meets and they
always seem to have a problem to solve.

Sanosuke Sagara was another of the unfortunate samurais. He uses street
fighting and a mix of other styles. He uses his fists. He wears the symbol
for evil on his back and has a red band around his forehead.

Megumi Takani is a doctor. She was forced into the opium trade but was rescued
by Kenshin. She likes to flirt with Kenshin to tease Kaoru.