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It's Bio time!!! Bio is short for the English word 'Biography'. Its something that smart, rich people say.

THE BEGINNING: Noah started singing at about the same time he began talking. Ever since that day, they have pretty much gone hand in hand. Singing in the bathtub, in car-rides, in the grocery store, EVERYWHERE! Anyone that knows Noah, knows that he is synonomous with singing. The two are inseperable. Just as God intended.

THE FIRST GUITAR('Lucky'): Noah got his first guitar when he was 13. A Fender Strat he played for about a week, and became so frustrated with trying to play Nirvana's 'Come As You Are' that the young teen gave up. "I didn't pick it back up until i was 17". At that point Noah started writing all sorts of different songs, but they were all just words and vocals, so he had the grueling task of teaching himself to play guitar...

THE LOVE OF MUSIC: Noah has never listened to the same music that most people his age listen to. "When i was a kid i was really into Elvis and Neil Diamond, but i got WAY too caught up with 80's Hair Metal, because i just thought those guys were the coolest...bands like Skid Row, Bon Jovi, Poison, Judas Priest, and Motely Crue..." The 90's were strictly rap and punk rock for Noah...Run DMC, Dre and Snoop, Notorious BIG mixed with a lot of Green Day, Silverchair and Nirvana...since then Noah's musical tastes have mellowed out quite a bit. "My two biggest music loves are still Hip-Hop and Punk Rock, but i have to admit, a day doesnt go by that i don't listen to a little bit of Huey Lewis and the News..."

THE CLOSING: Noah has been writing for the upcoming album for over 2 years now. "The Greatest View" is a collection of songs, ranging from love songs to spiritual songs and even songs about life in general. "This album is something i guess i just had coming. Its my feelings about my life put into words and then set to music. I just hope others will enjoy it as much as i enjoyed living it and then creating it."
