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moregreg.bmp (10834 bytes)

FYI:  I have WAY too many Greg Pics so I'm not going to put them all up right now.  If you want some rare ones, e-mail me at   I'd love to share.  Any comments can go in the guestbook.  Thanks!


Greg Pictures


screenshots29.jpg (14999 bytes)


rare07.jpg (5932 bytes)                other01.jpg (12266 bytes)  

 bandw01.jpg (20847 bytes)       bandw04.jpg (14280 bytes)

screenshots12.jpg (39462 bytes)          hunglikesnake.jpg (28866 bytes)     screenshots30.jpg (32132 bytes)

nightbeforexmas.jpg (24669 bytes)

other02.jpg (8506 bytes)rare03.jpg (67842 bytes)

                                         And yes, this really IS Greg