no gloss, no pretense, just me stripped...


First Name: Melissa
Middle Name: Marie
Last Name: Ritchey
Gender: Fee-male
Age: 15
Birthday: 08/1/88
Hair Color:brown
Eye Color: light brown
Glasses: yes
Where you live: Belle Rive, Illinois.
Star Sign: Leo
Bad Habits: I cuss like a sailor
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: nopee

Saying:I don't know that i have one, well actually I have a new one pretty much every day, but i'm so much more of a random person ..randomness gets me off
Magazine: Seventeen.
Color: green
Type Of Music: Country mostly..but i'll listen to it all!
Thing In Your Room: uh?
Place To Be: around friends
State: Texas..everythings better in Texas..or maybe its Bigger?br> Song Of All Time: LoneStar- Amazed

[.Whats The First Thing That Comes 2 Mind When You Hear....]
Hot: Damn (the new clipse song)
Britney Spears:i really dunno about that one!
Choice: ?
Fuck: Off
Bisexual: ahahaha dont get me started
Black: im keeping my mouth shut
Jack: Me off?

[.This Or That.]:
pop or rap: i'm down with both
rock or pop: also, down with both
linkin park or limp bizkit: oh please dont make me choose.
selena or jenifer lopez: jeniifer
shakira or britney: brittttney
ICP or Eminem: Eminem
Kittie or Garbage: kittie
skiing or snowboarding: neither
rollerblading or skateboarding: skateboarding
inside or outside: depends...
Tattoo or piercing: both!!
prep or punk: hmmm hard choice..but id have to say prep cus i can't pull of the punk look. but im not saying punk isn't cool. cus punk is just hott.
slut or whore: whore..i mean at least a whore makes money!yanoo?!

[.Private Life...]
Crush: crush? can i say HEHEHE now cus thats gay
Do You Love Anyone Right Now: Yessss(Trevor)
Have You Ever Been In Love: yes
How Many People Have You Kissed: Im not counting
Who Was Your First Kiss: uhhhh don't remember
How Many Hearts Have You Broken: i don't know?
How Many People Broke Your Heart: none yet..
Best Quote To Sum Up Love: "Have you ever been in love?: Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you, they don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn't you own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like "maybe we should just be friends" or "how very perceptive" turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I HATE LOVE."
So Whats Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Crush Like: everything i want out of a guy..dosent even compare to what he is.. :)
Do you Go More By Looks Or Personality: personality way more than looks.
Ever Kiss A Friend: YEssuh
Are You Still Friends: yah

You Smoke: yah
You Smoke Weed: nopee.
Ever Trip On Acid: lol no man
Crack, Heroin, Anything Else: nope never

[Opinions]What Do U Think About:
Boy Bands: uhhhh gay!
Flag Burning: dont see a point to it!?
Suicide: crazy shit....
People Who Try To Force Their Opinions Upon You: OH GOD ID SHOOT THEM IF I WOULDNT GET PUT IN JAIL FOR IT
Where You'll Be In 10 Years: somewhere? dont ask me like im miss cleo or something
The Pop Music Scene: sure
The Store Abercrombie & Fitch: its they raised their prices cause LFO mentioned them in their song? whoopdy freakin doo. if someone mentioned Dollar General in a song God knows how high their prices would go.
Porn: oh baby oh baby. forreal, no. its like your being turned on by someone that you'll never even see in real life. or screw for that matter.

[The Last Thing]
You Ate: a hamburger
You Drank: berry splash v8
You Took A Shower: today
You Wore Out: jeans & a shirt
The Last Place You Went: uhm to the gas station
Last Person You Saw: my sister
Last Person You Kissed: Trevor
Last Person You Had Sex With: No One!!
Last Person You Talked To: Danielle
Last Party You Went to: uhhhhhhhhhhh

So What Are You Eating: nothing
Anything To Drink With That: pepsi
Whatchya Wearin: shorts and a shirt
Any Shoes: no
Hair: ponytail
Listening To Anything: NAH
Talking To Anyone: emily.danielle and tiffnay!!!