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PaGe 2 -~- QuoTeS

Everyday I give thanks to the Goddess
I have two mounds upon my bodice
I shave my legs, I sit down to pee
I can justify any shopping spree
I don't go to a barber, but a beauty salon,
I can get a massage without a hard on
I can balance the checkbook,
I can pump my own gas
I can talk to my friends about the size of my ass
My beauty's a masterpiece,
and yes, it takes long.
At least I can admit to others when I'm wrong.
Don't act like I'm in a timed marathon
Every time I go to the john
I don't drive in circles at any cost,
And I don't have a problem admitting I'm lost.
I don't brag about the size of my "cup"
Hey put the seat down, cause I don't leave it up
I spend two hours preparing for a date
Only to find you're two hours late
I don't watch movies with lots of gore.
I don't need instant replay to remember the score
I won't lose my hair
I don't get jock itch
And just cause I'm assertive don't call me a bitch
I know when you're lying,you look at the ceiling.
I don't wear the same underwear everyday
The food in my fridge has no sign of decay
Flowers are ok, But jewelry's the best,
would you look at my face, and not at my chest!
Don't say to your friends,
"Oh yeah, I can get her."
In your dreams hun, I can do better!
I don't go to Sears to look at the tools
I don't cheat at poker
I follow the rules
I don't smoke cigars
I don't pay for drinks at bars
I don't punch my friends just to say "Hi"
And it's o.k. for me to cry
I know all you men
Think that you're "IT"
But compared to a woman
You just ain’t Shit!
Don't call me a girl,
A babe or a chick.
I am a WOMAN,
Get it, you prick?!

*So ur the B**** who told the B**** that I'm a B****,
Well listen B****,
It takes a B**** to know a B**** to call a B**** a B****, B****!*

*Missing someone get easier every day,
because even thought it's one day furthey from the last time you saw them,
it's one day closer to the next you will.*

*Men are like public toilets, either taken or full of $hit*

*GUYS DON'T SAY "ex," they say "next."*

*No one is a virgin, life screws us all"

*God created man before woman because you need to make a rough draft before you create a masterpiece.*

*You'll wonder where he is at night,
Wonder if he's true,
One moment you'll be happy,
One moment you'll be blue.
If you get a chance to see him,
Your heart begins to dance,
Your life revolves around him,
There's nothing like romance*

*Be more concerned about your character than your
reputation, because your character is who you are and
your reputation is what others think of you.*

* First I cried cause you liked her over me,
But now I laugh cause DaMn! She's ugly!*

*Aww...did you wish for a dick and actually become one?*

* Hi, I have call waiting and if I didn't pick up it's because I didn't wanna talk to you so leave a message at the tone and I'll get back to you when I feel like talking to you again*

*LiFe WaS So mUcH eAsIer wHeN yOur cLOtHEs DIdN't MatCH AnD BoYs HaD CoOTiEs*

*One day your prince will come, MiNe JusT ToOK a WrONG TuRn, GoT LosT, aNd Is ToO StuBoUrN To AsK FoR DiReCtiOnS*

*A part of you has grown in me, together forver shall we be, never apart, maybe in distance but not in heart.*

*I don't know where this is going
And I don't know how this will be
I do know that I Love You
And that you're everything I see
The timeing just isn't right for us
And you can't be mine alone
You can't be mine at all
Cause you have someone at home
I knoe that I should leave you
And I have walked away before
But I ended up coming back to you
And caring for you even more
Maybe one day the clouds will clear
And I'll know exactly what to do
But for now, I'll stay here waiting
Wondering if you feel the same way too*

*The distance between us may keep us apart
Because we met for a reason
I knew in my heart
that we were perfect from the start
There are times when I smile at the mention of your name
And times when I cry because I miss you the same
I know you love me and it breaks my heart
Because the distance between us keeps us apart
But God knows our hearts
And knows you and me
He won't keep apart
A love that is pure or a love that is true
So until the day our parths cross once more
I will be waiting with the key to my heart
Waiting to let you in.....*