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Welcome to Meg's site

Updated Mar. 14, 2003 What's new??

More pictures of AmeriCorps are up and running. I have to wait until I go home in July to scan March-current in, but it's worth a look.

Make a Difference

Pictures of Friends and Me

Picture Page 2

Picture Page 3

Picture Page 4

AmeriCorps Pictures

Meg's Baby Pictures

Quotes from Family and Friends

Links 'n stuff

Sunfall Festival

Get Fuzzy-Greatest Comic Out There

Mark's Site
Visit Mark's site. Don't expect any updates until about Aug. 1, 2004, but visit anyway. Keep the site alive, even if it isn't too exciting for a while.

Radam's Site

Nadam's Site

Matt's site

Powerpuff Girls

Mark made this for me. The guy is Legolas (aka Orlando Bloom) from Lord of the Rings. We're getting married someday.

Thanks to all my constituents and supporters. God bless America!

Somebody in my family found this. I laughed a lot.