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*~The Band Council~*

I love all you guys with all my heart. I know we'll always be there for each other because we've grown so close since just last year. Seems like so much longer after all we've been through, huh? Just remember that a Band Council Meeting is never more than a request away, and we've learned that they really do help-no problem is too big for us to conquer. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you most and especially for looking out for me when you think I'm headed in the wrong direction. I could never live without you and I will never ever forget all you've done for me. I could never imagine how my life would be without the way you've touched it. Thank you.

*~The Regulars~*

Sherri - my bestest friend and the Ministry of...We Forgot What She's the Ministry of
Ezekiel's back again? "Rambi? What? They didn't like Bambo?" "Yes, and I have one right now!" Let's go on another buuuuuus riiiiiiiide!! And not to mention the spanish mafia-estefan, enrique, fernando/toro, tomas, juan, iris, fabio, jc, and kevin the black guy!!! Blueberry iced tea!! we gotta to to the "Mudder" museum one of these days and play ghettopoly at your new house!!

Georgie - my best friend and now (finally), my boyfriend
Awwee I'm your favorite friend! prom...yay for us!!! now those romantic dances will hold some meaning, lol. mah baby!! i love you...a lot alot!

Jess - my roommate and good friend
damn drunk people outside our building!! my light doesnt work, who should we call? if only one of us were tall...

Miranda - a really cool yet young frosh from downstairs
if it werent for drunk lab professors we might never have met! i hope pat mcgee didnt impregnate you! "ok, come up"!

Danny - my best brother
Yep, I'm little miss chipmunk! And you're my baby!!

Nate - that crazy kracka from the LAC
watch out for the gnomes! no legs and one foot??

Torian - a kid that smells like chicken and cheap cologne and the Ministry of Stupidity
"Don't touch me." "And after that was _____ and after that was _____ again, and after that, i think it was _____..."

Rashon - my half brother and the Ministry of Suaveness
i dont care what you say...women are superior

Chief- my favorite cousin (he'll kick your ass if you give me a hard time)
I refuse to answer to the name "Spaz-Magooch"!!!!! and no i haven't gotten "any new letters"!!!!!!

Kristina - my friend going back ten years
I feel like chicken tonight! Cya around the gym...oh...wait...no...i have health!! damn that jessica!!!!!

Nick - a v cool guy all around...kinda crazy, but hey! arent we all?!
way to jump in the bushes!!! and btw i think that fag in the pink house is looking for you! i think some people in NY are looking for you too...

Mel - my co-conspirator and the Ministry of Sexual Relations
Guess what I am (as much as i wish i wasn't)!! No one will ever call a friend of yours a whore again!

Rafi - the Ministry of Social Relations
RAFI!!!!!!! See ya in the dgitr in 5 minutes! I wish i had never met you! You have no @$$ (literally and figuratively)!

JC - a person i dont get to see as much as i'd like, but still a cool dude
i know what you're thinking!!!!!!!!!! ok, maybe not, but i can think i do...and i'm not miss cleo dammit!

Matt - a fellow mellophoner
Cows never die! Whatever happened to that joke anyway? yes, yes i AM annoying!

And...the rest of the band
Sorry if I forgot you (unless i meant to)!!!