a day in the life of (who else) me!!!!
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*~Daily Journal~*

Ok, so as you've probably noticed, it's not very daily. But it will be updated whenever something interesting happens.

09/21~this weekend was pretty cool. friday we had a science lab "meeting" if you could call it that and then miranda and her friends dave and kate and i went into harvard square to a place called barley's and has really awesome hamburgers. then we met up with jon and matt and went to dave's friend's house. we stayed til around 12 cause we had to get the t home and then we four went to t anthony's for some late night pizza. miranda was supposed to sleep over cause jess went home this weekend but she had to get up early on saturday and we were both really tired anyway. saturday i woke up late, did some hw, talked to georgie, mom, dad, and sherri all for a pretty long time. sherri called me from the band comp and you guys sounded so awesome!!!!! then miranda and i went to the classics house and went with jon and matt to the gsu to get jamba juice. then we ended up watching the miss american pageant there until 11:00....lol it was soo funny! eww we saw a mouse there tho. nasty. after that we rented mallrats and went to the classics house to watch it. we all sat around talking for awhile and i would up not getting home til after 3...oi. i left the pc on, so i woke up around 8:00 when georgie IMed me but it was cool. i went to church with miranda, jon, and matt then to urban outfitters and the towers for lunch. then we did science hw (sci-day!!!) and then i did some other work and talked to georgie. choir was good, tryouts for terpsichore are tomorrow and chamber choir is tuesday woo woo! i'm also gonna join the pep band later in the semester if i ever find out when the heck the placement test is...goodness. alrighty well it's 11:30 and i gotta be up at 9:30 and i have to make up for last night's lack of sleep!!!! hopefully i'll update more often from now on!!!
05/26~well this certainly has been an interesting week for me, as many of you may have noticed. at the beginning of the week i made a choice, but soon came to realize that that choice wasnt the best for anyone involved because i knew i couldnt keep up with it and that it would therefore be temporary. i realized the longer i let it go, the harder it would be, and that i didnt want that to happen. i knew what the end result would be...i just didnt know when it would occur or how. but last night, well, last night was "the night"! i went over georgie's not thinking anything of it, without a plan, without any thoughts in my head. but sitting there looking at him looking at me - i stopped rationalizing and in that moment changed both of our lives. to ryan...i'm sorry that this had to happen this way. i didnt go into this with the intent to hurt you, but i know i've done that and i truly am sorry. i thought i could keep my boyfriend and best friend separate, but that's too much for even me to take when both of them are staring me right in the face. i had to choose, and i hope you can see this is better for everyone. i woke up this morning feeling like i had had a really good dream...and then i got that sinking feeling like "oh no i'm awake now that really sucks". and then i realized it wasnt a dream, it ISNT a dream, it's real, and it's the way things are supposed to be. i've never felt the way i felt last night, and i'm looking forward to feeling that way a lot more in the future. thank you georgie, for making me feel that way :)
04/17~it has recently been brought to my attention that a remark i made on this site on sept 3 ought to be revoked, and i whole-heartedly agree. for those of you who dont feel like searching for it, it says, "he's everything i've been missing out on with z",(fill in the "he" yourself) and we all know that this just isnt true because "he" has absolutely no desirable qualities once you get to know "him" well enough. so, i'm revoking this statement in the hopes that it placates the person against whom it was made. for now, i'm gonna go break some more cds to slit my wrists with. peace out!
03/28~just got back from florida a few days ago and i'm definitely still in golden corral withdrawal!!! at least things are returning to normal. nate and i are broken up, and it's kinda making things at home easier, because i dont feel like i have to hide things as much anymore. the whole family is even going to a basketball game tomorrow night! weird i say. justin's in town, and i just got back from cafe 52 with them. i'm "baby sitting" him on sunday and it should be cool, hehe. umm what else. oh, i told mom and dad that me and georgie are going to prom and they were thrilled....thank u georgie! it means a lot to me. now if i could just get you to come to seaside....oh, school updates. i think i have straight As this marking period but i'm not sure. and i got in to lehigh and to BU on a half-tuition scholarship!!!! yay for me. by next month i'll know for sure what school i'm going to and that will certainly be a relief. also getting footloose overwith...i cant wait!!!! also let's hope being single gets a little more...exciting...oh well...til next time: bye-ee!!!!!!
01/13~nate and i have been back together for over 2 months and he came down over winter break but the family has yet to accept him....grr....school's goin v well but midterms are next week and that sucks. i've already been accepted to douglass and the last 2 marking periods i'll probably slack a bit but it shouldnt matter, hehe. i just hope i make it out of hs alive...
11/21~school's goin pretty damn well...i got straight a's for the first time since sophomore year! chad and i broke up awhile back cause we admitted we cheated on each other but at least i'm talkin to nate again. i mean, me and chad were ok, but i really love nate and i hope he knows that for real. well life is goin pretty good and i'm goin to see the bouncing souls tomorrow!!!! ole ole ole ole! oleee oolee!!!!
10/13~well i woke up to rafi's face today. dont ask. then we went to the columbus day parade and i got to conduct from the reviewing stand hehe. ross and chad went to connecticut to see some girl ross used to know and sherri was hoping they wouldnt go. i basically sat around all day after that and caught up on hw. no band tomorrow!!!!!!!
09/05~second day of school....it doesnt seem like school tho, cause sherris in all my classes, so it just seems like chillin til we can go somewhere else...i know that sounds weird, i guess it's senioritis? well, guess what i'm not! that's right, single! i went out with chad, sherri, and ross after band and chad and i are now officially a couple awweee! i have to go out with my family tomorrow but we're hangin out all this weekend so that should be cool. i'll let you all know how things go! bye-ee!
09/04~started school today even tho i'm trying not to think of it as school...hard to do considering i dont like anyone in any of my classes and i'm kinda used to being around those i choose to. oh well. i got to drive my dad's car this morning and i'm gonna get to until they get me my own...but is it worth it? i feel like i have to kiss his ass for it even tho he treats me like a delinquent. i picked him up from work since i had his car and all he did was negatively comment on my driving the whole time. i also talked to him about checking my message on my phone last night so hopefully he wont touch it anymore. i dunno, he's just really pissing me off. i gotta go get school stuff in a bit and then wait for chad to call :). well, i'll talk to you all later. bye-ee!
09/03~me and z are hanging out a lot since our date, but he doesnt want a gf and i think i want more of a relationship. sherri broke up with jay and is goin out with this guy ross from hot or not. she, him, and his friend chad hung out last week and he kept tellin them he wanted to meet me. me and sherri had to work sunday and all day she kept goin "dont worry pretty soon you'll meet chaaad" and i was really excited cause she said he was really cute and v sweet. so that night, 2 nights ago, me and sherri went up there and he IS reallllly awesome. he's everything i've been missing out on with z....he likes to hold my hand and just cuddle and stuff which i absolutely love :). he even text messaged me that he loves me hehe. i'm not gonna see him til (maybe) this weekend and we're gonna miss each other sooo much til then. well, i hope all goes well with him, cause he's definitely better than any guy i've tried to have a relationship with b4!!
08/07~well the date went pretty well...we're probably hangin out again tomorrow :-) went over sherri's tonight after work, supposedly to watch clerks, but then we ended up doin guard and colorguard stuff like almost always hehe. yay!!! no work tomorrow!!!!
08/04~well this summer is going well so far, eh? i've been workin my ass off but at night i'm a party animal! no, not really. so far i've been to ozzfest and several of Forever NEWs shows at hamilton st, and next weekend the concert weekend!!! that means divinity and birch hill AND warped tour....ooooh yeah. latest news:i'm goin on a (gasp) date! yeah it seems impossible but no, it's not. i really am. ask me afterwards if you care about how it goes. if it goes well you'll probably hear about it anywayz hehe. alrighty that's all my babbling for now. hope ur all havin a good summer!
06/17~oi. school's almost over! only 3 more exams to go...and then i start work. it never gets any better does it. at least nate's comin next month and plus there are lots of local shows i can't wait to see! this summer should be a good one
05/24~finally!!! memorial day weekend!!! today i wanna go the mall and get the eminem cd as well as some new clothes for the divinity show tonight and maybe some food...i'm kinda hungry already! i have to work tomorrow (ugh) and sunday...who knows. but monday's the parade yay!!! cya all then!
05/19~what an uprom weekend!!! went to show on hamilton st. with sherri, then left and watched dogma. slept over, went to seaside but it was colder than hell (how cold is hell? pretty damn cold!) and then went to the mall...jesus h. christ we're jersey girls!!!! we went ghetto cruisin today for a bit and i almost killed some old lady who doesnt know how to drive right after sherri almost killed the stupid bitch at old navy. all i have to say is...what the shit???
05/09~w0w it's been almost a month now and you people are probably bored as hell with this site, that is, if you even come here anymore. things should be getting less hectic after next week and then i'll be on the pc constantly with nothing better to do than update this site! woo!!! for posterity, i'd like to congratulate sherri on getting a job. now i wont have to listen to her bug mike for money!!!!
04/17~welcome to hell, new home of ME! i cant take alchemists anymore. god help me if stephen comes here but i have to bitch about him. he wont leave me alone!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! and next week is tech week so that's gonna be even better! yay! no, not yay. oi
04/11~gee, nothing really happened this week. i really cant believe it's thursday already tho...the week went by kinda fast. i dont know about all of you, but i had very little work this week so i kinda got lazy hehe. i guess i'll see you all tomorrow or talk to you later...bye-ee for now!
04/06~well we're back safely from nh and i must say that all went marvelously well! nate and richie are wonderful...and coming to prom! i love them both very dearly, well, nate more of course :-P i'm not gonna go into detail here about the trip but i'm sure i'll be telling all of you all about it. it was an unforgettable week!!!
03/27~4 more days!!! went over sherri's today and talked to sherri and richie...tried on some clothes for the trip....gonna talk to nate later....sleepin in tomorrow!!! talk to ya'll later!
03/20~11 days!!!! my god, i cant even imagine how wonderful this is gonna be. but first i have to make it through 5 more days of school, and that's asking a lot. school sucks!!!!!!!!!! today should be spring break!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant take it!!!!!!!!!!! and nate's supposed to be online but he's not, so i dunno. he's the only reason i came on...hmmz...i'll talk to ya'll later...byez!
03/15~plans for headin to NH are finally materializing. i'm not going to guard tomorrow! what will i do??? i'm also not goin to the flipzyde show cause someone ::ahem:: sherri decided she's too good for me. goddamn. this weekend is gonna suck my ass!!!!!!!
03/09~went to the food bank, guard, talked to nate, still talking to nate...that's about it!
03/02~i'm at sherri's sleepin over...we already talked to nate and ritchie once, then i talked to just ritchie, now sherri's talkin to ritchie, and later we'll probably talk to both of them again...hehe i just love this...
02/25~well, this day is already more exciting than most of last week, even tho it wasnt really all that exciting :-)
02/21~this week is like THE most boringest week ever...except for i got to *talk* to nate!
02/17~guard yesterday was...interesting. i fell asleep in the car on the way there and back, only when i got home my family thought i was stoned...BDAY!!!!!!!!!
02/15~well this week was a little better. on tuesday i attended exactly one class, and that was 8th pd when we had the fire drill! then yesterday i was half an hour late to school and cut 5th pd!!! this weekend is my bday so it has to rock :-)!!
02/09~this week was so incredibly boring! at least we finally had the pep rally to break things up! this weekend is sucking too except for now i'm sleeping over sherri's so that's pretty awesome. maybe tomorrow my internet fiance will call...that'd be interesting, eh? well, i'll let you know. oh, and the food bank project is going rather well! ta ta for now!!! 8 days til my b'day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/01~16 more days til by bday!!!!!!!!! and tomorrow is my first show (yay!!!) at the Elks Lodge ::wink wink nudge nudge:: it's also my first day of community service, but i dont mind. i mean, helping hungry people is not the worst thing i could do.
01/29~went on a surprise trip yesterday to Princeton courtesy of Mel and Sherri and we had a great time! thanx guys!! today was ok...band "midterm"...whoo! tonight's gonna be boring unless I go out, and i have to go to work in an hour and a half (blech!) talk to you all later!
01/25~well i wasted the day learning frames because georgie and rafi both thought the page looked like crap when it was done. if you wanna see what i did, then ask me and i'll send u there. otherwise, today was ok. i practiced rifle a lot during my 2nd period "exam" during which i was outside...then i went to mcdonalds and then to work and i got to drive, so i was in a pretty good mood. then i sat down and messed with this frames bs and now my night seems so unfulfilling...::sigh:: oh well!!!!
01/23~why is it that i have no will power? when i dont want to do something in order to make a point, but i really want to do it because it will benefit me as well as the other person, but i dont want to do it because it's gonna benefit them, i just cant refuse to do it!
01/19~another fun filled color guard weekend!!! i went to practice at 9 last night to wait for sherri to get done so we could go watch gladiator and sleep over her house. went home at 9 and then went back to olop at 1:30 to go to south brunswick for a competition where me and rashon did odd jobs for john. fun fun! congrats guys on not joining fusion or the force...that's all i'll say...and that ALL the guys failed...but really that's the last comment...AND that marching band has more energy than color guard and, well, has a point...ok i'm done...no, wait...hey sherri thanks for slapping me, and so what if i slapped u back and stepped on ur toe...you started it...chineeee fooo!!!!!!!!!
01/12~hey i finally have time to update!!! i've been at theatre revue practice all week as most of you know, and it didnt really help anybody's situation before it started. damn theatre revue! well at least now it's over and we can get our lives back in order...hopefully...
01/05~second day of guard in a row!!! went over sherri's right after school yesterday, and didnt get home til 11:30. then, i had to get up at 6:30 to be at guard for 9!! now i'm home and doing this...how exciting!! tomorrow is super sunday but someone promised to come visit me...hmmz...6 days even though it should be 5...j/k...
12/28~today was my little christmas! that is, the family that i didnt see on the 25th came over to celebrate...including 6 girls under 12... how great! they wanted to talk to my friends, so i went on the internet, and sherri, rashon, and georgie were on! my oldest cuz remembered georgie from my sweet 16, and apparently thinks he's hot, and started IMing him! he didnt believe me that someone actually thought he was hot at first and thought i was makin it up, but then he believed me for some reason. then sherri got the idea to call...baaaad idea! my cousins tortured her for over an hour, asking questions about females and males and lesbians and other very bad things!! and everytime i got the phone they yelled so i couldnt hear her! it was veeeeery bad...they also thought that things rashon was saying were very funny but i wont put them in here ;-) hehe. alright, catch y'all later...bye-ee!
12/25~CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! got up at 6:30 with butterflies in my stomach, went back to sleep, and finally jumped on my brother at 8!!! got loads of presents...everything i wanted!!!!! yay!!! i even talked to my best friends AND played with a puppy!!!! i loooooove christmas!!!!!!!! who wouldnt????????
12/23~went to sherri's right after school friday and helped set up for her christmas party. finally met her psycho cousin who is really cool and really funny! the party was a blast, and we all had some fuuuuunn. me, mel, and her cousin slept over and went to guard at 8 AM the next day. then i had a nice caaaaaaar riiiide home!!!! exhausting weekend overall...i zonked out at 9:00 last night!!!! 2 days til christmas!!!
12/17~went to school today despite this horrible head cold THEN babysat a 10, a 5, and a 1 year old YAY!!!!!! now i'm avoiding doing hw by telling myself that listening to music is more important, which it is, and that not doing my hw now will make the weekend come more quickly(?). ok, so maybe i don't really believe that, but i do believe that i will EXPLODE if this week isnt over like yesterday. good lord how do i survive...
12/15~went to target with sherri last night and back to her house and then had an interesting chat until 11:30...if you were there you know what i mean!!!!! if not, ur never gonna know what it was about! well, i'm just typin this cause i told my dad i was editing my site when actually i'm typing IMs, so i gotta keep this window open in case he looks down here...sry if it's boring you. got my tree this afternoon!! yay!!! next week is sherri's party, sleepover, and guard! i finally get to meet all these interesting people i've been hearing about!!! i really cant wait! just gotta get through this week...ugh. 10 more days!!!!!!
12/03~hey! i'm in the school computer lab!!! we're supposed to be working on our projects, but i'm already done, and what else would i like to do on the internet besides editing my site!!!!! so, i just thought i'd say hi to all of you who are in class right now, while i'm here slacking off!!!! soon enough, i'll be in history and suffering tho...how i hate that balaban...and then galella afterthat...FIRE!!!!!!!!! ok, that's just not fair. why cant they have a fire drill DURING CLASS??? it had to be when i was doing nothing!!!!! god, i hate school!!!
11/17~after getting up at noon and doing homework til 5, sherri saved me and took me ice skating!!!!! i'd never been before, and i can hardly skate, but i didn't bust my ass too badly. i only fell about 4 times in the two hours we were on the ice, and of course, sherri didnt fall at all!!!! who knows why i'm putting a pic of this on here, but here's the tag thing they gave us when we paid.
11/06~had my wisdom teeth out yesterday afternoon and took the day off from school today. i'm swollen and in a mild amount of pain. hopefully this won't last much longer.
11/04~well, yesterday was our trip to scranton. i think most people had a lot of fun on the buuuuuuuuuuus riiiiiide, but i personally don't think our score was fair. oh well. there's always next year!
10/16~what a confusing day...not for me, but for just about everyone else. All i have to say is: i'm still single!!!!!!!!
10/06~another nonstop day. went to school around 1:30, started practice around 2, dealt with kristin, left school at 4, performed for the competition, headed straight back for school, got ready for Pride Day, got the scores for the competition (70.4 baby!!!), performed our show at pregame, performed Pride Day, played through every piece of stand music i have at the game, got done around 10:30, went to omega diner with sherri, her parents, egan, and his son where we also saw lenny, and finally got home around midnight!!!!!!!
10/05~busy day! full day of school with shortened periods plus the pep rally, follwed up by missing the bus. then sherri, lenny, rafi, georgie, tatiana, danny, my mom, my uncle, and myself all got my van to get home. we took georgie and tatiana home, but everyone else came to my house when only sherri was scheduled to be there! so, sherri, lenny, and rafi came over and then we went to the bonfire. after that, sherri, lenny, and i went to the dance and had a pretty good time i must say. it was a really fun but really hectic day!
10/03~as you all know, this weekend was veeery interesting. all i'm sayin is "we went on a buuuuuuus riiiiiiiide"!!!!
09/18~no school today! i got up at 11 and that's only cause the house phone rang. went back to bed and rafi called. finally got out of bed around noon, got off the phone a little while later, and called sherri cause i had told her she could walk over to watch "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" which she had never seen. So i'm just chilling in my basement on the phone, waiting for her to say she was leaving so i could jump in the shower...and rashon walks into my basement! just walks right in like nothin!! i say to sherri "rashon is in my basement" and then "rashon is in my basement" and started freaking out cause i was still in my pajamas and unshowered and everything. for the record, i wasn't mad, just a little surprised. sherri got here at like 1:30, and we all just hung out until we all realized we hadn't eaten yet and went to deli boys. rashon had to go home, but me, sherri, and dan walked to blockbuster to get the movie and back to my house. pretty good day i must say.
09/03~i got back from my cruise yesterday and i have to say that it was the best vacation i have ever been on. being there a week with the same people and crew is an amazing experience, as you eventually view the ship as a little city where everyone is your friend. kinda creepy from your standpoint, but just a really cool and unique experience for me. plus, we had two really cute social directors, Ian and Gary, who ran all the activies. i fell in love with Ian around tuesday because he has a gorgeous english accent, was at every activity, and was absolutely hilarious. i thought of Gary, at that time, as the Unfunny American Guy, because he has no accent and seemed to only show up for Bingo, which was boring. anyway, i got a picture with Ian on thursday, but my mom was the one to ask him for it (can you say embarassing???). on friday, Gary ran The Game Show and we came to realize he was actually pretty funny. that night, the whole cast did this skit at the talent show, and Ian was a Chippendale dancer! he danced up the aisle in a bathing suit and on someone's table (we have video footage!)!!!!! unfortunately it wasn't MY table gosh darn it!!!! then on saturday, the last night of the cruise, there was a big party and they were there to run it, but they also get to party...or they at least looked like they were partying, even though they were working. i got gary's picture and autograph, and then asked for one from Ian. so we three started talking (we have a pic! yay!) and gary asked my name. i told him, and then he gave me his card!!!!!! i could hardly believe it! even Ian went nuts! so, my man is on a ship in the caribbean for the next 8 months. whaddya gonna do?

oh yeah...we also went to Jamaica (where we climbed a 600 ft waterfall), Grand Cayman (where we went to a turtle farm and Hell), and Cozumel (where we went scuba diving). the ports were fun because after two full days on the ship we were bored. but i finally figured out that when there was nothing else to do, we could just go and find Ian, whether he was running an activity or just sitting at a table with fellow crew members. ok, kinda stalkerlike, but i figured "hey, i'm never gonna see him again. what do i care?" the same philosophy which allowed me to just walk right up to him and ask for an autograph while he was drinking a beer, and which allowed me to have the time of my life last week. that's it for now. i'll relate the rest of the week in person if necessary. bye-ee!!!!!!!

08/20~today was the first day of band camp. it was pretty fun, i must say, though i had somehow convinced myself yesterday that we would not be running...i was sorely disappointed. at least i don't have to play or march! Haha!! Drum Major Meg is back!!!
08/12~yesterday was rafi's very belated birthday party. if you werent invited, too bad. we had some fun, mostly towards the end of the party, which rafi missed due to extenuating circumstances (named sohana). don't worry, rafi, there'll be a next time, and it will be as good as this time!
07/13~me, sherri, and rashon went miniature golfing. here's a pic of our ghetto scorecard. i kinda accidentally picked up a card for regular golf, and we had to make another column. oops.
07/06~lesson for today: never try to make plans with these people. it took us half the day to figure out that me and dan were gonna go play tennis with rafi from 3:15 to 5:45, and mel and sherri must have given up on making any plans at all. what the hell?
07/05~nothing much. i went to work from 5:15 to 7:00 and rafi came over at 5:30 for dan. then i just kinda vegged and talked on the phone from 10:30 til about 1:00.
07/04~ok, so that match never really got the chance to happen. but the girls sure as heck beat up the guys, and rashon and dan did a number on each other! i had a dream last night that rafi's an alien and i'm going to a bbq today, so i'll talk to y'all some other time.
07/03~Stay tuned for the Main Event tonight at Sherri's...Sugar and Spice vs. Havok and Agony!!!!!!!
07/02~me, sherri, rafi, rashon, and dan go to the municipal building for the proclamation ceremony. we laughed during the moment of silence and were scared out of our minds that a crazy gunman would blow us up during the pledge of allegiance. then we walked to mcdonalds where sherri decided to have a practice tuesday and i accidentally threw the tray in the garbage! on to A&P, which proved to be the most exiting time of the whole summer! we pushed rashon in a cart to the door, tried to convince sherri to get in one of the electric wheelchairs they have, and then went shopping for our "house" as well as for grandma. boy, she must have had some fun with what we bought last! well, we filled up the whole cart, then left it in the makeup aisle! it was a crazy time!!