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*Ashley said hi on 3/23/03 @ 8:00pm

Hi! Wow.. I haven't blogged or wtv in a long time.. I have nothing to say because you can read it in my diary.. click here!

*Ashley sighed on 11/18/02 @ 8:00pm

Hi guys! 7th grade is really fun. AIM is funner now because I get to talk to a lot more people. Nothing much to say but read my online diary!

¤Ashley smiled on 10/14/02 @ 10:10pm

Hi everyone! I just finished my online diary! If you'd like to check it out, click here! It's really cool. The layout is similar to this one. I should change them to Halloween, but I'm too lazy. I might do it if I have time.. Anyways, I hope that a lot more people will see these pages because no one is visiting them now. :( Well, ttyl!

¤Ashley wrote on 8/22/02 @ 3:02pm

Hi people! Yay! I survived Mia's party! Hehe. It was better than I thought. I also attended this leadership thing with my friend Gloria for school. It was really fun. Sorry I haven't been working on the site much. I've been busy with soccer practice and everything. Anyways, I'm going to go work some more so bye!

•Ashley blinked on 8/16/02 @ 4:00pm•

Heyz! I'm done with the upcoming events. Sorry everything is centered. It looks neater than it being all on the left. Anyways, I'm going to put more stuff on here. I don't know what else to put though.... Oh well, ttyl!