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The Celtic Cross spread is the single most common layout that I have been able to discern. Almos every book available mentions it. .

The Relationship spread does a wonderful job of advising you on your current love relationshipas well as taking a look at what the future holds.

The Wheel of Life is a twelve-card spread which uses the houses of the Zodiac to interpret a situation for a querent. Rather than explain a certain situation, this reading is good to use when seeking guidance or enlightenment in general.

The Four Seasons spread is a very good way for an individual to look at the 'recent' past, today and the not so distant future.

The Livlihood spread is for those clients looking for guidance with regards to career choices or schooling. Can sometimes be used for a general overview as well as a specific query, depending on the circumstances of the client.

Self Knowledge spread is used for a clients inner guidance and peace of mind. Excellent for a personal spread, or for a client with extreme focus or obsession.

The Star of David spread is used for more spiritual intents and questions. Guidance towards an inner peace. This spread is used for a broad based question of inner faith and centering.

The Time Line spread is a look inside at your distant past, recent past, present, future, and distant future. Used with broad spectrum questions to guide the client to many samples of choices from within.

The Tree of Life spread takes a deep look at all aspects of the clients life, from inside to outside, from past to present to future. This is a very good spread to use when a client has a specific question requiring an inner look at ones self to gain the guidance necessary to make a decision.

The Basic spread has been designed for use at times when a quick but deep look into a situation is warranted.

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