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For Mom!!

Happy Mothers Day!

Everbody has one, But no one has one as loving as mine. She was there when I was sick. She is there when I just need a hug. I love you Mom!
xoxoxoxoxoxo, Ashley Harris

I love you very much and there's no better mom than you. You are the best mom ever!
Jessica Roberts

Happy Mothers Day. Have a wonderful day.
Love, Andrew Shaver

Dear Mom,
Happy Mother's Day! I love you so much.
Love, Sabrina B.

Dear Mommy,
I love you, I remember when you came in a hurry when we ate sleeping medecine and you got scared. I love you,
Brian ChaCha

I Love you Mom!

P.s. There's a Grasshopper!!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoMatthew Cobb

Mom your the Best!! Sean Hensarling

Happy Mothers Day Mom! I love you! Brittany Claunch

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