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  • Michael Calls Oprah!

    Oprah: ....OK. Quincy doesn't know this, but there is somebody on the phone who wanted to be here today but could not. Most of the world knows him as the King of Pop. Say hello to Michael Jackson. Michael. Michael. So, hi, Michael.

    Michael: Hi.

    Oprah: Hi. Thanks for joining us.

    Michael: Oh, I'm honored. I'm very honored.

    Oprah: What's it like, the experience of working with Mr. Jones?

    Michael: What was it like working with Quincy?

    Oprah: Yeah.

    Michael: It's, it's very professional, very talented, and he's a musical visionary. He's been around, as you know, a very long time. (Quincy gives a funny look. Audience and Oprah laugh.)

    Quincy: Michael?

    Michael: Yes?

    Quincy: This is Quincy. Can I call you by the name we used to call and talk to each other by?

    Michael: Yes, if you want. (giggles)

    Quincy: Well, OK, s...

    Michael: I'm scared. (audience laughs)

    Quincy: Smelly.. What'd he say?

    Oprah: He said 'I'm scared.' (more laughter)

    Quincy: Smelly. OK.

    Oprah: Now where did that come from? That...

    Quincy: That's very affectionate, because Michael does not use any profanity, ever. Right, right, Smelly?

    Michael: No P no. That's right.

    Quincy: And, and so when it got good, we'd say 'That was funky.' He said "Don't say that, it's smelly jelly," you know? (audience laughs) It's smelly jelly, so from now...

    Oprah: You don't even use funky?

    Quincy: No. Michael doesn't say that word. If..

    Oprah: No, no.

    Quincy: No.

    Oprah: Doesn't say any, any kind of bad words at all.

    Quincy: No, I've heard a couple, yeah.

    Oprah: Yeah. OK

    Quincy: But, but not.. that

    Michael: From who?

    Quincy: Haha..from, from you!

    Michael: Not me..., is it?

    Quincy: Oh no, no.

    Oprah: No, so that's why you started....

    Quincy: Just smelly jelly.

    Oprah: That's why you started calling him Smelly.

    Quincy: Yes.

    Michael: Yeah.

    Oprah: What have you learned from Q that you take with you for the rest of your life, Michael?

    Michael: I learned a lot. You once said something to me, Q...Quincy. I don't know if you want it repeated. But it was just beautiful. You said 'You don't write music. You let the write..the music write itself. Let it create itself. It's like we're just the source from which it comes.'

    Oprah: Yeah. I've heard him say he always leaves room for God to walk in the room.

    Michael: There you go.

    Oprah: Yeah.

    Quincy: The divinity is most important.

    Oprah: Well, thank you Michael for joining us. Thanks for taking the time to call up and say, 'Hey Q!'

    Quincy: I love you, Smelly.

    Michael: I love you more, Quincy.

    Oprah: All right. All right.

    Quincy: The show was great in New York.

    Michael: Thank you.

    Oprah: Weren't you doing the show with him in New York when the Trade Center...

    Quincy: Yes. The show was the night the...was the night before.

    Oprah: Was the night before.

    Quincy: Yeah.

    Courtesy of BBC